UPDATE: 2/23/10 I've diagnosed myself. PERIORBITAL CELLULITIS or PRESEPTAL AND ORBITAL CELLULITIS. LOOK UP CELLULITIS, and you will see all your eyelid symptoms and more. This is a bacteria that can spread all over your body. It is contagious. This bacteria is very strong and may be resistant to several broad-spectrum
Antibiotics , putting it in the MRSA category. The strain of bacteria may, in some conditions, be biopsied (if there is fluid or open sores), or swabbed so that the best appropriate
Antibiotic can be administered. Sometimes, requiring a strong dose of INTRAVENOUS
Antibiotics . In my case so far, I did have cracks in my skin at the creases of my eyelids, my eyes were EXTREMELY swollen, as this spread, my cheeks and chin also became swollen. I looked like a zombie. I have had allergies since I was a child and therefore have frequent sinus infections, this is what lead to the bacteria spreading to my eyelids. I DID NOT KNOW I HAD A SINUS INFECTION WHEN THE EYELID IRRITATION BEGAN BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE ANY SINUS INFECTION SYMPTOMS. Other ways of contracting CELLULITIS could be open cuts or wounds exposed to a staphylococcus bacteria. Broad-spectrum-
Antibiotic resistant bacteria is identified as staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). I have two more days on my cipro
Antibiotic and if this eyelid itch and sting are not gone and begin to flare up again I will go back to doctor and describe to him what I think this is, and ask for swab and if necessary, a strong dose of IV
Antibiotics . In the meantime I am continuing to take my HEAPS of 3/6/9 Omega's, B-Vitamin Complex, Multi-Vitamin, Oil of Oregano, Aloe Vera plant gel (cut fresh with each application) spread on my eye areas, and neti pot flushes. And then start my probiotic after antibiotic ends (waiting because of fear that the probiotic might interfere with the antibiotic).
I just turned 42 this month. I am a female. In the last week I began searching the internet, trying to find out what could be happening to me. Two years ago I began to notice a itch on my face, which turned to patches of redness and swelling. I tried creams and ointments and nothing seemed to help. It got worse over a two week period and was not going away. Finally I went to a doctor and she diagnosed me with a sinus infection and gave me antibiotic and steroid; rash went away during steroid period, and then after completion, it seemed to reappear, midly, finally disappearing.
Recently (two years after initial occurance), at the end of December 2010, I woke up one morning and my right bottom eyelid had some puffiness. Puffiness went away after a few days, and then about 20 days later, it happened again... then went away after a few days, and then reappeared again about 20 days later, this time it made it's big introduction. The skin around my eyes, including the lids (top and bottom ocular region) became very itchy and turned bright red, and by the third day, both eye areas took on a racoon eyes look. The eyeballs themselves did not seem to be affected. Each morning upon wakening, both eye areas became more and more puffed up, eventually the eyelid creases cracked and the bridge of my nose between my eyes also cracked from the severe swelling. I looked and felt as if my head was rotting. I also felt suffocated as if I couldn't get enough air. After nothing I tried worked, which were neosporin ointment and cream, lamisil, ice packs, warm compresses, tea tree oil, benedryl, I went to a doctor. Doctor prescribed prednisone (steroid) and cipro (antibiotic) said I had a rare case of seborrhea. I don't think that was an accurate diagnosis, but I took the meds, Prednisone 20mg twice a day for 5 days. Two days after completion of prednisone, swelling has begun in face (could be a prednisone side effect), eyelids are slightly puffy this morning, and are beginning to get the tingly, itchy feeling. I feel pressure in my face and head area (prednisone?). I have a picture of my face the morning I went to the doctor and would like to post it so others may see what my condition looked like, but I don't know how to upload it.