After many years of really poor medical care from well intentioned people, both from alternative medical perspective and traditional MD's, I honestly don't think it's a conspiracy.
parasites are stealthy creatures, they are hard to diagnose. On it's own merits,
parasites are easy to overlook, but I think it's a little more than that.
I own a small retail shop, we make and repair jewelry, American's want what they want and they want it now. They aren't like eurpoean's or south americans, who are also our customers, who want good craftsmanship, and know that it takes time to produce an item, and are willing to wait for what they want. I think the medical community is customer driven, and we are getting the results of a culture that has become completely personally irresponsible, and wants a magic bullet to cure their health issues. Instead of the old family doctor who would ask you how much you were drinking, what you ate, and would tell you things like cut down on the booze, and lose some weight, US medicine is offering gastic bypass surgury & liposuction. Because that is what the patients want, and what they will pay for.
Yes, I should have been diagnosed years ago, by somebody, but I keep thinking about how all those doctors I went to see who missed the obvious. They probably had to deal with the same sort of customers who show up in my shop, mad because they bought something and abused it, and it broke. Or my favorite of the week-end, a customer who has taken off twice before without paying for a repair having a hissy fit because I asked for money before I gave her jewelry back to her. Doctors carry huge amounts of malpractice insurance for a reason, they get sued!!!! Where I live in Florida, there is a serious shortage of OBGYN's because they are required to carry such a huge malpractice policy that most of them have switched to plastic surgury. One guy got interviewed, he would love to go back to delivering babies, but he can't keep his office open, and afford the insurance the state makes him carry. So how to you tell someone who doesn't want to hear it, expects an instant fix, expects a fix that requires no effort on their part, who might just sue you, that they have something like WORMS?????? Look what's happened to
Hulda Clark e, we have run her out of the country for mentioning the 'P' word, I don't think a
Conspiracy is required, all it takes for a doctor to keep his or her mouth shut is self interest. Would I have the guts as an MD to tell one of any number of people they could possibly have worms? And face the consequences? Or as an alternative practioner, tell someone that I can stick needles in them forever, and if they don't quit hogging out on pizza, it won't do one bit of good? I hope I'd stick to my guns, but I got yelled at by someone who didn't want to pay for a repair, and I didn't like it one bit. At some point, I would probably also throw in the towel, as much as I admire
Hulda Clark e for sticking to her guns, I'm not sure I'm made of the same tough stuff that she is. How many people really are?
We run TV ads for heartworm medicine for our pets, other countries are advertizing Vermox, some of the ad's are pretty funny, I've seen them on U-Tube, along with public health freebies about watching out for worms, and what to do if you get them. But we live in a DEVELOPED country, and we are too high and mighty to have worms. Look at Dr. Charlie, he knows his herbs, but he thinks
parasites are only in tropical/subtropical areas, that is common thinking by most Americans, it can't happen to me, bacasue it doesn't happen here.
Cancer is socially acceptable, worms are not.
Since I finally woke up to my own health situation, I've been sitting here wondering, what was my part? I believed the experts, I didn't do my own research, I expected instant results, I often ignored the things they said that were going to require a lot of effort out of me. If I had been more open to doing some of the things that were suggested, maybe I would have found the worms sooner. I did have one Doctor who was really outspoken, I know if he'd figured it out, I would have heard about it from him. But he didn't find it, it wasn't in his training. Maybe if I had followed up better with my symptoms, and maybe if I had let the doctor know that I didn't expect a miracle from him, and I was willing to do my part, I would have gotten better results.
Hindsight is always 20/20, isn't it? I just got sicker and sicker, until I started looking for my own answers. Is it a conspriracy, or have we just gotten to be so spoiled that we want instant 'perfect health', just go through the drive through on your way home from work. And if it doesn't happen, then shoot the messenger. I know I've done my part in 'the conspriacy', wish I'd done a better job and I had less to deal with now. But there you are, all else fails, blame somebody, it can't possibly be your own doing. The information was right there in front of me, and I just didn't see it.