Chapter 14 Book 2
To understand why the Miracle Mineral
Supplement works one must understand some
of the chemistry of chlorine Dioxide and some
of the chemistry of blood. Chlorine dioxide is
a gas that is dissolved in water when in the
body. Chlorine and chlorine dioxide have
been used as disinfectants for more than a hundred years and there
is little doubt that they simply destroy pathogens of all kinds. Both
have been used in water purification systems for more than 50 years.
In recent years, in water purification systems chlorine has been used
less and chlorine dioxide a great deal more as it has many benefits
over chlorine. Chlorine dioxide is used extensively in water
purification systems throughout Europe. Although chlorine dioxide is
somewhat more expensive than chlorine, its many benefits over
chlorine has resulted in it being more extensively used in water
purification systems than chlorine. In 1998 The American Chemical
Society, Analytical Chemistry Division said chlorine dioxide is the
most powerful antimicrobial agent known to man.
Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens by oxidation, a completely different
chemical reaction than that of chlorine (chlorination) and oxidation
results in no harmful chemicals. A 10-ppm drink of chlorine in juice
will cause a healthy person several hours of nausea, while a 10-ppm
drink of chlorine dioxide causes no nausea at all for a healthy person,
and yet it is more efficient in killing pathogens than chlorine.
None of the functions or elements of the human body including
friendly aerobic bacteria are affected by chlorine dioxide in diluted
solutions of 50-ppm or less. On the other hand, solutions of 0.1 to 1-
ppm seem to induce a spectacular immune response reaction
attacking anaerobic bacterium, viruses, parasites, harmful molds,
yeasts and other pathogens. Without realizing it, hundreds of
See Chapter 20, page 6 for data on obtaining
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Chlorine Dioxide and Blood Chemistry Chapter 14 Page 2
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
thousands of Americans have been drinking diluted solutions of
chlorine dioxide for more than 100 years in various health waters
sold to the public. Diluted solutions of salt treated with electricity
have been sold as “health water” under various names such as
“Willard Water” which is still being sold. Most of these waters
contain low levels of chlorine dioxide as a result of the electrolytic
treatment. The chlorine dioxide concentration in such water was very
low and thus was never strong enough to do a thorough job of killing
pathogens in the body, however the benefits claimed for these health
waters were more than likely caused by the chlorine dioxide as there
is no other element in the water that would seem beneficial. Other
health drinks have been sold that contain various chlorine
derivatives. Stabilized Oxygen which is a diluted solution of sodium
chlorite when diluted further with water very slowly gives off chlorine
dioxide. The
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is just a stronger solution to which a food grade
acid has been added. The acid such as vinegar or
citric acid often
used in soft drinks reduces the solution to an acid condition but still
within a food range which releases up to about 1-ppm chlorine
dioxide, a level of concentration that is sometimes found in
processed food but is 100’s of times that which is produced in
Stabilized Oxygen.
Because of the acetic acid in the vinegar, or
citric acid , when added
to a sodium chlorite solution, the solution begins to release chlorine
dioxide on a linear timed basis for up to 12 hours. Stomach acid
does not tend to significantly change this timed release. The amount
of salts and vinegar is calculated to release one milligram of chlorine
dioxide per hour. An hour is the amount of time that it takes one
milligram of chlorine dioxide to deteriorate into
table salt and other
harmless chemicals plus one very useful chemical. The linear
production of chlorine dioxide and its constant deterioration into
table salt and chemicals brings about a constant level of chlorine
dioxide in the body for approximately 12 hours at which time all
chlorine dioxide deteriorates leaving no trace and nothing that is
deleterious to the body. Thus the poison index after that period of
time is zero.
See Chapter 20, page 6 for data on obtaining
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Chlorine Dioxide and Blood Chemistry Chapter 14 Page 3
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
Hospitals and laboratories have used chlorine and chlorine dioxide
for more than a hundred years as a disinfectant for cleaning floors,
benches, and tools. No pathogen can resist them and no disease,
either bacterial or virus has ever developed a resistance to chlorine
dioxide. The human body has very few mechanisms that can
differentiate between oxygen and chlorine dioxide. Since red blood
cells cannot tell the difference, strong evidence indicates as the MMS
enters the stomach, absorption mechanisms in the stomach walls
allow the red blood cells to absorb the chlorine dioxide and carry it to
various areas of the body where oxygen ions are normally taken.
The natural pH of the human body is approximately 7. At pH 7
chlorine dioxide, in the absence of light, is fairly stable for a few
minutes. However, disease pathogens are essentially all anaerobic
and have a different fingerprint than that of friendly aerobic bacteria
as do malaria parasites. As mentioned above, the red blood cells
readily absorb the chlorine dioxide and once in the cell they attack
the malaria
parasite because the surface of the
parasite has a lower
pH than the blood.
Chlorine dioxide is an extremely high explosive and it is so volatile
that it cannot be transported. The only way that chlorine dioxide can
be utilized is for it to be generated on site and used as it is generated,
or generated in situ (in place). It is the volatile nature of chlorine
dioxide when it contacts pathogens that makes it so effective both in
water systems and within the human body. As doctor Hesselink
has pointed out in chapter 22 of this book, the very nature of the
parasite prevents it from ever developing a resistance to
chlorine dioxide. However, we also believe that the volatility of
chlorine dioxide also helps prevents pathogens from developing a
resistance to it. It’s sort of like trying to develop a resistance to hand
grenades. You just can’t do it.
Normal levels of oxygen in the blood cannot destroy all of the
pathogens present under disease conditions, however, when chlorine
See Chapter 20, page 6 for data on obtaining MMS.
Chlorine Dioxide and Blood Chemistry Chapter 14 Page 4
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
dioxide is adsorbed with the oxygen it is a different story. When a
chlorine dioxide ion contacts a harmful pathogen it instantly accepts
five electrons from the pathogen, or it might be more descriiptive to
say that it instantly tears off five electrons. An extremely fast
chemical reaction is in essence an explosion, and this is exactly what
happens on a microscopic level. The damage to the pathogen is a
result of losing electrons to the chlorine ion and the release of energy.
The pathogen, basically, is oxidized by chlorine ions and as a part of
the action the chlorine becomes a harmless chloride (table salt). Two
atoms of oxygen are released as ions from the chlorine dioxide ion
but the oxygen has little effect other than to attach to hydrogen ions
making water or attach to a carbon ion to make carbon dioxide.
It is the process of the chlorine dioxide ion oxidizing pathogens or
other harmful chemicals that is beneficial to the body. Although the
two oxygen ions of the chlorine dioxide ion are released, their charge
level does not result in oxidation. The same process continues
throughout the body where chlorine dioxide ions contact pathogens.
It does not attack beneficial bacteria or healthy body parts, as their
pH is not below 7. It will also oxidize diseased cells, such as
infections or cancer. In the event that the chlorine dioxide does not
contact a pathogen or other poison, it deteriorates into
table salt and
hypochlorous acid that is useable by the body.
The lymph nodes, for example, are one of the areas where the blood
normally releases oxygen to oxidize various poisons in the node and
then it carries the oxidized poisons away to the liver. The red blood
cells carry the chlorine dioxide ions the same as oxygen and thus
chlorine dioxide ions are also released in the lymph nodes. The
chlorine dioxide ions are inert to normal cells but they will destroy
disease pathogens found there.
A minute amount of naturally produced chlorine dioxide is found in
the human body, and one of the chemicals that chlorine dioxide
helps to create as it deteriorates is myeloperoxidase a chemical that
the immune system needs. The immune system uses this chemical,
See Chapter 20, page 6 for data on obtaining MMS.
Chlorine Dioxide and Blood Chemistry Chapter 14 Page 5
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
myeloperoxidase, to generate hypochlorous acid. The body uses
hypochlorous acid extensively to kill parasites, bacteria, fungi,
viruses, tumor cells, natural killer cells, and to destroy some waste
products under normal conditions. However, diseases and body
conditions can result in a deficiency in the hypochlorous acid needed
to destroy the pathogens that are present. This is due to a medical
condition known as myeloperoxidase deficiency. In the case of many
other diseases there are other immune system reactions that can
overcome the diseases, however in the cases of malaria and other
extreme diseases, there is not enough hypochlorous acid to kill the
parasites or pathogens, nor are there any other immune system
reactions that can destroy them. Thus the hypochlorous acid created
by chlorine dioxide as it deteriorates in the body is probably another
mechanism by which malaria and other diseases are destroyed.
In the case of the MMS, when taken by mouth by a malaria victim
after adding vinegar and juice, all malaria symptoms including chills,
fever, aching muscles and joints, headache, nausea, and other
symptoms are gone within four hours in 98% of all cases. The other
2% are symptom free within 12 hours. Although some malaria
victims are sick from other diseases, we have never found a case in
which the malaria parasite was not destroyed. To this date, July 1,
2006, more than 75,000 malaria victims have been treated with no
serious side effects reported. Since normally two deaths per each
250-malaria victims is expected, and zero deaths were reported in the
75,000 cases treated, we must assume that 300 lives have been
saved and that the MMS is doing its job.
In February of 2006 clinical trials were conducted in a prison in the
country of Malawi East Africa. The results were a 100% cure rate of
all malaria victims treated in the prison. Several months later in the
same year the Malawi government made its own separate clinical
trials. They reported with the same results. All malaria victims
treated recovered and there were no failures.
See Chapter 20, page 6 for data on obtaining MMS.
Chlorine Dioxide and Blood Chemistry Chapter 14 Page 6
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century
In the case of AIDS, when the MMS is injected as an IV solution into
the blood, it is carried in the blood plasma throughout the body while
generating chlorine dioxide that is no doubt absorbed into the red
blood cells. In a series of 390 AIDS cases treated by IV in a small
clinic in Kampala Uganda over a eight-month period beginning
March 2004, 60% of the cases were considered free of AIDS in three
days. The remaining 40% were judged free of AIDS in four to 30
days. Most of the AIDS victims treated were those that were sent
home from the local hospital to die as the hospital could do nothing
for them. Unfortunately, AIDS blood tests could not be made as the
money and facilities were not available, however, all victims were
known AIDS victims and the majority went back to work or to their
lives with no AIDS symptoms left. Only two cases out of 390 were
considered to have failed. Those few that were reviewed later, from
one week to a couple of months, were still symptom free.
References: Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia on the Internet. Search
chlorine dioxide.
References: Web sites that provide many additional references.
Myeloperoxidase Deficiency Article by Javed Sheikh, MD