Tough call on which forum to put this in. Benjamin Fulford first appeared on my radar a few months ago when I stumbled onto a series of videos he did towards the latter part of 2007 and into early 08', wherein he had been following what he claimed were current (and significant) events involving various & specific aspects of The Conspiracy. In one of these, the basis of the video was an interview with David Rockefeller. Best I can tell, it was in fact the original, bona fide, still-live and breathing 90-plus year old bag of bones & puss that is David Rockefeller who appeared in this video and allowed himself to be interviewed by Fulford. For all I know, it coulda been a fake /double or perhaps cloned David Rockefeller. I'm not suggesting this is the case... just putting in out here to cover the range of possibilities for such potential uncertainties. Be this as it may, by my count, info from Fulford is generally first & foremost relevant to a forum that discusses conspiracy. However, the main reason I wanted to post this is not because of Fulford's allegations pertaining to conspiracy. Instead, I post this because it presents an introductory explanation as to what the basic theory of HAARP is said to be; the capability to generate and subsequently beam high-power RF.
Somebody might logically ask - beam where?, and perhaps - beam why? As I understand the basic theory which has been willingly acknowledged publicly by military elements of the USG, the basic theory is that military elements within USG publicly admit that they invented HAARP (starting about 20 years ago, give or take) so that they could then experiment with beaming high amounts of RF power into space...... sounds like a spiffed-up spooky rerun of the Philadelphia Experiment from decades ago, I know, but this is the publicly acknowledged theory as I know it. This is pretty much where my basic understanding ends regarding the stated purpose of this theory on HAARP as publicly acknowledged by elements within the USG. My curiosity does not end here, only my basic understanding. My curiosity still wonders, especially because it has a basic understanding of how generated power tends to create various effects, some of which may not be all that desirable for the average person, including, for instance, dissipated heat. Even though a conventional 100 watt light bulb is not operated by RF power (60Hz AC generally not classified as RF), nor does it generate RF power as a byproduct / output, it dissipates enough heat nonetheless to burn a hand or other body surface upon contact lasting more than a second or two. A microwave oven, also powered by conventional 60 Hz electricity, does generate an RF output. A Gigawatt RF ray gun is kinda like a microwave oven on steroids, and supercharged, and given some more steroids for good measure, while operating with the safety door / glass ajar!; afterthought - does UL have a problem with this ray gun? LOL This really leads me to wonder what kind of effects - more specifically what is the range of what kind of effects good, bad and inddiferent ? - might occur subsequent to emitting 1,000,000,000,000 watts of RF energy into the sky, or into the earth either directly or indirectly? Taking elements of USG at their word - not something I necessarily advise for people at home to try doing unsupervised - for their theory of HAARP basics, this at least provides the framework of answers to where? - into space, and why? - because they can.
RF energy is itself a form of wave energy. As such, this post would also seem to fit into other forums, like Physics. If a forum on potential for Weather Manipulation existed, it would fit there too. At some point along life's path, many of us were taught some fundamental physics to include wave theory ..... the proverbial pebble plopped into a calm pond and the ripple effects of waves therein. I am a bit curious what kind of ripple effects result upon beaming a Gigawatt of RF ...either skyward, or into the earth, or both perhaps one after the other. Fulford says that HAARP also can produce rebound effects, that is, once the beam strikes the intended portion of space - like a spot within the depth of the ionosphere, a rebound effect can be produced which sends a wave of energy back towards earth. He also says that such tinkering around with the ionosphere - experimenting as they say, causes all sorts of artsy sky / cloud effects. This is his segue into claiming that, for instance, the recent disasters that occurred in China - "earthquake", and Myanmar - "tsunami", were not natural, but intentional and done as a result of aggressive politico-military action. For myself personally, I do not have enough information to go on in order to either agree or argue against these accusations Fulford makes. Nonetheless, this recent video provides an introductory explanation - a "Mr Science Explains HAARP in a nutshell", as it were, of HAARP theory.