I will give you what the person running the machine listed.
Individual frequency : #5792.6 Gallbladder
#5311.8 Circulation
Preset Programs: #16 Revital
#37 stomach/intestinal system
#96 Nutritional 1 vitamin B13, vitE, iron(the thing about these she said, is that you don't know specifics, like if you have to much or too little or if you just don't process them right, etc.)
#142 Nutritional, copper
Microorganisms found 107.3Fasciolopis Zerkarien, fluke found in liver
108.3 Giardia lambia
112.4 Palsmodium falciparum
parasite that causes malaria
115.2 trichuris,
parasite in intestines
205.5 blepharisma
207.1 candida
212.3 herpes that causes cold sores
216.5 proteus mirabilis, bacteria causing unrinary infection
She only treated candida that day, which I am glad of b/c that caused me the worst brainfog I've EVER experienced. I couldn't imagine if she treated more. I've done it about 5 times and everytime something different comes up, except candida ALways comes up. I really began to put my faith in this(before I wasn't so sure) after once I went and she "balanced my female hormones." Prior to this, I had not had a period (except for medically induced) for over 5 yrs. I am only 35. The reg docs just said premature ovarian failure with unknown etiology, or something like that. But that ONE session and my periods returned, and are still regular, and that session was over 6 months ago! That alone made me and my husband believers! We still scratch our heads when the "visitor" B