Hi Moreless.
You wrote a while ago that when you offer a few different foods to a dog that by instinct the dog alway`s shooses the food he needs most.
What about us? When I eat certain foods I`ll get a specific feeling off tirednes If I get too much off this stuff I should have avoided than I can feel it in my eyes.In this case I`m talking about wrong sugars.
I also listen too the noices off my gut, the more noice the more I know I ate something wrong it does not make me feel sick or so, I just noticed it.The last few weeks I paid more attention too the noice off my gut when I ate fruit.
Oh boy this is really disturbing. Now I know about N-P-N I REALIZE HOW OFTEN MY BODY WARNED ME NOT TOO CONSUME MORE!
Sometimes I go to the market with a shopping list of what to buy and I come home with something else for instance broccoli instead of beans.
Or I happens that I have cravings for certain foods that could last more than a week.
There is craving for junkfood whe all know that. But is there also craving for good food it seems like that the brain knows that the body needs certain minerals even before we realize it.
Some people would say go by the numbers or take the PH numbers more often.
They might be right but it will enslave me too the PH testing many times a day and I don`t want that. Once with the morning pee sometimes one more later on that`s fine but no more.
Long story for a short question.
Should we become more sensitive and listen to our body when it signals basicly that it wants too reject certain foods and also for having cravings for good quality and healthy foods?
Greeting, Givati.