Hi there,
I wanted to post on the general subject of how and why natural medicine works differently and has different aims and goals than traditional medicine. I've read a lot of frustrated posts from people who aren't getting the results they want from either system, and I'm just putting out my experience in case it's helpful to others in sorting out thier own situations.
Generally, with allopathic medicine, you get symtomatic releif, in other words, you go in with a headache, and you get a painkiller, but the underlying cause isn't addressed. With the flu, or a cold, you get medicine that suppresss the symptoms, the fever is taken down, you get something that causes you to cough up phlem, you may be prescribed an anti- biotic to kill of any co exsisting bacterial infection.
With natural medicine, you take herbs that strenghen the body's own defenses against the cause of the illness, for example, with a cold, you take herbs that may increase the fever, your own immune system is encouraged to work harder. With a natual medicine approach to a cold, you feel worse for a couple of days, but then you are over it.
When you apply this to killing worms, and other
parasites in the body, if you have been useing natural medicine for other problems all along, it's not that hard to use the herbal formulas and get success. I don't use anti-biotics for much at all, and my husband and I work with tourists, we are exposed to almost everything. As a result, we have pretty strong immune systems, with anything in the human body, it's use it or lose it. As a result, we aren't having the problems with worm die off that I've seen others have, our immune systems are up to killing off a few new strains of virus and bacteria, because we do that all the time anyway.
I can see it would be very hard to deal with a big worm infestation with an immune system that is already compromised by using a lot of allopathic medicine. Which doesn't mean that it can't be done, it's just going to take longer, and it's going to be harder. It might be worth considering a zapper, or some other help for an immune reaction that isn't what it might otherwise be. Or herbs that will help boost your immune system to help fight off the bacteria and virus that live inside the worms, and are released when they die.
Generally, most of the wormers that are prescribed cause some pretty serious side effects, they are hard on the liver. With someone with a really heavy worm infestation, it can cause so much die off in a body that just can't handle it, that it doesn't seem like a good idea to do it, unless you are under a doctor's supervision. Albendadole is suppoed to be prescribed with cortical steroids, because if you have cysts or larvae in your brain, you can have a siezure and you might die from it. I did get a prescripiton for flagil, and took it years ago before I knew I had a horrible
parasite infection, and I ran such a high fever I almost had siezures from the fever. I now know it was because I had a heavy
parasite infection, and I was experiencing the effects of
parasite die off on the body.
Also, if you make your intentinal tract really a nasty place for worms, they will leave and try to find greener pastures, like in your other organs. This is called scattering, and I experienced it the one time I got tired of listening to my husband bug me to try the drugs, and did so. In my opinion, slower is safer. The herbal medicines are not as strong, and seem to not just stay within the intestinal track, so they do not cause the worms to change neighborhoods.
I understand being frustrated beyond measure when your doctor won't prescribe something that you think you need, I really don't much like doctors at all, of any type. And as far as I'm concerned, people should be able to make choices about their health, but I really hate to see people use the horse wormers without medical help.
Like Meatloaf, with doctors in general, I want my money back, they all missed the parasite diagnosis, but I got to pay the bill anyway. It seems that people in developed countries are just so hoity toity that can't possibly have worms. And I mean doctors of all varietys, ND and MD & chinese herbalists.
I'm 57, and I think I've watched western medicine hit the wall, and really quit being an effective health care system. When I was a child, doctors made house calls, and they weren't all about how much money they got in their pay checks. They were really decent, and really tried to help their patients. I remember going to see a doctor when I was 19 had severe bronchitis, and didn't have the money to pay the bill, and the man never charged me. We all know that wouldn't happen in the US today. Most of the people I talk to think that there is a cure for cancer, and that the MD's just won't do it, and that cancer deaths are just unnecessary and occur because doctors are greedy and only want money.
The herbal remedies do work, most are a lot safer than the drugs, but it takes a long time to get a good result. It's also much more difficult to use for someone who doesn't use herbal remedies in general, and has depended on tradtional western medicine, but it's still possible to do. On the other hand, if you wind up with an impaired liver, or dead from a stroke, then the quick cure might not be worth the risk.
It also requires almost a different mind set, a lot of research, and a lot of putting up with going to work feeling pretty crummy.
What I've found for myself that has made the process a little easier is that tumeric is a natural anti-inflamatory, it's good for the liver, and it's an anti-parasitic. So I take that in addition to whatever other herbs I am using. I have also found from reading that worm infections cause people to be very short of B vitamins, especially B-12, so I take those vitamins daily. I also use a high level of vitamin C and E. A lot of natural health purists won't do this, but it's been helpful for me.
In my case I'm older, and I suffer from crummy old joints, so the joint pain from dead
parasites can really hurt, and cause damage. Tumeric and also curcurin have really helped. I honestly think my immune system is really excellent, probably from being around so many sick people, so I don't get the colds and viral stuff a lot of people complain about, but there are herbals for colds and viral infections as well.
It is hard when you start, because it takes a while to give up on the idea that there will be a one shot cure that will cause it to be over with immediately. It just isn't like that. And there are also really hard emotional components with parasitic infections, it's just plain a shock to find out you have worms. It's easy to begin to think that you have worms everywhere, and that there will never be an end to it. But reality is, every single one you kill off is one less you have to deal with.
I've been at this a while now, and my health has massively improved, and I'm still getting rid of more of them.
Good luck to you guys,