The last time I was on
Lugol's my Lymph Nodes under my arm pits swelled up, turned red, and were sore to the touch (some of you may remember). Anyway, that was over a year ago and it scared the crap out of me. I really thought I was dying. I stopped taking
Lugol's and haven't touched it since. I was able to get my Nodes back to normal by rebounding and using castor oil packs. I figured it was some kind of toxic/heavy metal overload. I had lots of amalgan fillings and I have never tried to remove the metal.
Anyway, I really believe in
Iodine and need to get back on it. How can I prevent the same thing from happening? BTW, I was only up to two vertical drops. Also, my two biggest health issues right now are Prostate problems and Candida. I know I'm loaded with heavy metals and bromine (20 years ago I would drink a six pack of Mountain Dew per day.)