I meant to hit reply and accidentally gave your post an R. Cannot undo it, so you are stuck with an R.
If you send it to a lab they will probably tell you it is vegetable matter, so I wouldn't waste my money. It doesn't look like it has fangs, so it's probably a round worm and not a hookworm, unless the fangs disintegrated on the way out, or got left inside you. Does it ever feel like needles are poking your insides?
For the most part, it really doesn't matter what kind of worm it is, when you are dealing with intestinal varieties. The eradication process is the same for all of them.
Start with ten rounds of Green
Black-Walnut Hull,
Wormwood , Cloves, ten days on, five days off. During the five days off, flush gall bladder and get rid of the stones in your liver. Support your kidneys, drink lots of water. Extra vitamins and minerals, lots of Iodine.
If they are really aggressive and mean the big guns are bloodroot, wormseed oil, red clover/stillingia, oregano oil, cayenne and a gram of
Iodine daily.
Bloodroot will even go after worms in the head. It is not for sissies. It doesn't take much. Just a teensey weensey bit, slowly build up the dose over time, lots of time. Take breaks regularly to give your body a rest and let eggs hatch out.
Worms build nests in the intestines where they lay their eggs They cap these pockets off to protect their larva. Worm nests aka diverticuli. Females put off a hormone to prevent the eggs from hatching out, so they don't have to compete with their offspring for food. When a female dies, her eggs hatch. Some of them lay 200K eggs per day. You really need to start flushing out your system asap, just in case.