hi LostGirl, I can relate to you completely. Ive been constipation my whole life too.
Always having to take something so I can go. I am now alot more regular and thats because I make sure I am. If I dont go one day, I make sure I do something. I also use an herbal
Colon Cleanse when I need to. When I first started out using the cleanse, I stayed on it for around 3 months straight taking up to 10 capsules and still only having one decant BM. Now when I think I need it, i'll go back on for a week or so. Its expensive or I would just stay on all the time. In addition, I try to eat right, veggies, fruit and all that. I take a fiber supplement daily, and flaxseed every single day. Its helping. I have had all these same problems that everyone here has mentioned, and maybe some that havent been mentioned concerning constipation. I wish a BM didnt have to be such an issue in my life, but, it is. I guess it could be worse. Just as long as I keep doing what I am doing, its not that bad . Sounds like you're having some improvement and i'm glad for you. If you're anything like me, its something you have to stay on top of constantly. I'm just so glad for the internet and these boards. Ive learned so much . Good luck to you staying regular.