I'm sorry you feel depressed and that your efforts are not bearing the results you're looking for as quickly as you hoped. I really couldn't tell you whether you have TMAU; only testing would confirm that, but this regimen should remove some odor just by cleaning your intestines well whether you have TMAU or not. I honestly think that it's much too soon in this process for you to be odor-free. The fact that your odor was reduced for 2 days only days after you began your regimen is a great sign. I don't think that the zinc alone was able to help, but probably a combination of everything. It would be good that you observe everything you did and ate that diminished the odor and what you might have eaten that might have brought it back. In the end, it's always a very individualized process, and everyone is different.
Have you been strictly following the low-choline diet as well? If you feel that the low-choline diet and supplements are not helping and that in fact it's making it worse, I think that perhaps you need to be more selective about the foods you eat from the low-choline diet list. Look at Marx's email of only a couple of days ago, in which he says that he's "been kind of following it and I've definitely seen an amazing improvement over the last few weeks. Then perhaps you should give it about a week or 2 just in case, but as Marx said in his email a couple of days ago, "work on eating the foods "with the lowest choline content from the USDA's Database for the Choline Content of Common Foods - eat only fresh foods if possible - avoid anything processed. Make this adjustment to your diet, avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar, except for fruits, and see how it goes.
My son had been using charcoal and chlorophyllin and somewhat following a low-choline diet for almost a year when we didn't even know what the recommended dosage was, and it helped a little, but definitely not enough. Afterwards, we found the NIH treatment with specific dosages and length of time for each supplement, we first heard of the intestinal cleansing, and that's when he really saw results. Perhaps, he was already on the road to improvement by having made small modifications to his diet and starting the supplements previously, and that helped him respond well much sooner once he adjusted the dosages and fine tuned the whole regimen.
I would recommend that you not give up on this treatment yet. The fact that you noticed an improvement for a couple of days is a good indication that you did something right. Unfortunately, it does take time and additional fine-tuning on your part based on your own unique condition. If after about a month you don't see any significant improvement, then you can re-evaluate your plan of action. I know you're despairing, but don't give up!
Also, note that Marx said he used antibiotics for 2 weeks, and my son also used antibiotics for about one week right after the cleansing. If you don't use antibiotics, then I guess you would need to do a cleansing a bit more often for a longer period of time to get the desired effect of eliminating the smelly bad bacteria from your gut. However, right after each cleansing, it's very important that you do try to restore your gut with acidophilus. Why have you not done so, is it because you don't know where to buy it? Try your local health food store (make sure it's refrigerated). If you do too many cleansings without restoring the "good bacteria" then you're leaving your gut in a weak and vulnerable state.
I'm sorry you feel discouraged, but I would suggest you hang in there a little longer before you throw the white towel of surrender. I really think it's to soon to give up, instead, it's the right time to make small modifications - a fine tuning - and you should be getting better results in time.
Spidey, do you think that you might also have a sinus infection, throat, tongue, tonsils, or gum infection that may also be producing odor?
Hi jennyc,
I don't know if you live outside the U.S., so if you do, please e-mail the TFnetwk@aol.com for country-specific information.
If you do live in the U.S. as I do, I have more info on this. You can mail a urine sample to some of the labs that test for TMAU. They do charge a fee, and you can check the websites of each individually to see how much. My son requested the kit online from Dr. Preti, with the Monell Chemical Senses Center.
and click on the Primetime/TMAU link.
You can also request a free information packet directly from the non-profit TRIMETHYLAMINURIA FOUNDATION, and all they ask for is a self-address stamped envelope. You need to include your name/address and stamps ($2.00 in stamps - no cash, checks or money order, just the stamps) in an envelope and they will rush it out to you. Their email address is TheTFnetwk@aol.com .
P O BOX 3361
PH: 212-300-4168
The TF is a 501 3 (C ) non-profit corporation
Here are the labs that test for TMAU. This info was given to me by the TF.
Where to Get Tested
Below is a listing of diagnostic testing facilities (if you live outside the US , please e-mail theTFnetwk@aol.com for country-specific information). We recommend that you contact the lab nearest you and request the testing protocol and kit.
1. Human BioMolecular Research Institute (HBRI), San Diego , CA
Go to
and click on the TMAU link for further information.
2. Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia , PA
Go to
and click on the Primetime/TMAU link.
Monell is a diagnostic testing facility where you can make an appointment to go in person for testing; however, there is currently a six-month wait. Therefore, if you would like to be tested now, contact Monell for a home-testing kit. Send in your samples now and, if desired, you can also make an appointment for a later date.
3. University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO
To request information about testing protocol and kits, e-mail susan.tjoa@uchsc.edu.
4. Metabolic Lab, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock , AR
Contact Ms. Jan Woodall or Ms. Fran Soderberg at (501) 364-1311 (6:30 AM - 6:30 PM)
There is a Medical Geneticist available at this facility (if you live in the area). You can make an appointment to go in person for testing and after care. Contact the office of Dr. Stephen G. Kahler, M.D. - Ph: (501) 364-2966;
Only the urine test (phenotyping) is needed to diagnose TMAU. However, the blood test (genotyping) provides helpful information about the genetic aspects of your TMAU. Only HBRI and Monell perform BOTH urine and blood tests. U of Colorado and U of Arkansas conduct ONLY urine analysis.
How to Get Tested
Call the center of your choice and order the testing kit. Request that the protocol be mailed or faxed to you or your doctor. Or, make an appointment to have testing conducted at Monell.
Regardless of which facility conducts the testing, please alert the staff of any medications you are taking and/or illnesses you have, and CLOSELY FOLLOW ALL TESTING INSTRUCTIONS. Failure to do so may render your samples unusable, slow the testing and analysis processes, or result in a false diagnosis. Additionally, it is crucial that you do not change your diet prior to being tested: Doing so may cause a falsely negative test result.
Before shipping your samples, please notify the receiving lab that your specimens are on their way. Do not ship on a Friday or Saturday: The sample will sit somewhere over the weekend, the ice will melt, and the specimen will likely be useless.
Also note: These diagnostic testing centers are labs; as such, they are not staffed like doctors’ offices, nor are they intended to provide the same level and extent of service. Therefore, please understand that, due to the volume of inquiries, it is not possible for the personnel to communicate frequently with patients: their time needs to be and is better spent testing your samples. Be patient, and try to utilize the TMAU Foundation and its listserv or your doctor for routine testing and diagnostic questions.
Hope this helps you and keep in touch to let us know how it's going for you.