Hi NewUK. Sorry things did not work out. The protozoa are a tough bunch. In my last post, I talked about my bacterial tests on cultured anal swab, which grew very quickly.
A friend let me test him for a control. His did not grow much at all, and what did was harmless.
Mine were all the bad kind, esp. high in kleb, and e-coli.
I also found a few B. Hominis among them, which I found odd. I am sure though, there is a connection between these bacteria and the protozoa.
Yeast is there as well, but it might be a yeast form of penecillium. I have found high levels of this mold in cultures designed to grow fungus.
I think what is happening, is the natural penecillium in the gut, is producing penecillin in response to bacteria, which is killing off Gram positive types.
If this is happening in you as well, it would result in very uncomfortable cramps and such in the lower bowel.
Not sure what to do, but as long as we do not produce "dendritic" type leukocytes, these little suckers will go unchallenged.
I am seeing my parasitologist on the 17th, maybe he will have some ideas.