About vegetarianism. I have already ruled out the vegan diet as a possible option for me. Vegetarian choices are the most frequent for me, I just have meat once or twice a week. I do not believe that daily consumption of meat is necessary, yet I am sure that the vegan diet has damaged my health in many ways.
I think balance is the key. In the wild, no animal is committed to vegetarianism or veganism. Even vegetarian animals eat some insects while grazing. I think animal products are healthy to some extent.
About contaminants. The matter according with the book I have read, is that the PCB/dioxin contamination is widespread, even polar bears in the Arctic are heavily contaminated. Thus no "safe" source is safe enough to be labeled so. This stuff is widely spread.
I just hope that in the future food sources will be tested as a routine, and test kits will be available by common people not only to check their food sources but also to become aware of their contaminants levels before to decide whether to get pregnant or to breastfeed.
About finding "healthy" sources, I am in Europe (Italy) so it does not help having the list of dairy sources for US. I have a good raw butter/cheese source. It is not organic and cows are also fed grains esp. in winter, but it comes from very clean pastures in the mountains of North Italy.
I usually have a lot of raw butter ( me my 3 years old daughter share about 1 lb of raw butter a week).
We also have 1 or 2 gallons of raw milk weekly. Again, this milk is not organic. We just know that it comes from a small local farmer whose cows are not given hormones or antibiotics. They are grazing, but they also eat grains. It tastes good... but again, I have no idea of its safety.
Because I breastfed my daughter for 2+ years, her PCB levels might already be very high, actually higher than mine. I wonder if I should avoid feeding her raw milk and butter?
the book suggests all females to avoid any animal fat from birth to end of childbearing age.
I actually feel confused.