Hi pointofnoreturn,
I think I speak for many of us when I say that I know what that monday morning feeling is like. Because I have suffered with this problem for all of my life (as far as I remember) first it was school I dreaded, then college, then work. I got through it by pretending it wasn't there. If I ignored it, it would go away. If no one mentioned it it wasn't there. I also thought that I was going to rid myself of this odour anytime soon. At the beginning of the summer holidays I decided that I would be cured before I had to return back to school/college in the autumn. I don't even know how I thought I would do it, I spent time sitting in my bedroom window waiting for a shooting star to wish on, praying to God, going to church, feeling unworthy, tidying and sorting, tidying and sorting... I thought that when I got everything cleared up (my sins, my mess etc) I would be fresh and clean and sweet smelling. I believed this so much that even now when I have given the house a thorough clean and had a massive clear out I feel that I smell less. Obviously my mind has been affected because of this constant, never-ending, life controlling problem.
As for work, I have drifted in and out of jobs all my life. I go to an interview and get on brilliantly, everyone wants to employ me! At that point I decide that I can do this job and not smell bad. I will control it better, change my diet, think positive, open my bowels before work, not be too close to people, find someone who is attracted to me so that I can feel special and a better person and then I won't smell so bad (I know this is crazy).....then I start the job, ignore my problem, work on the things I've mentioned and it falls apart. One comment and I am running scared. I don't know how you do it, so I take my hat off to you and my heart goes out to you. After quitting so many jobs I do not work anymore. I can't do it. The more places of work I have, the more people have chance to find out about me and discuss me and tell their friends. God forbid that one day someone will be discussing me to a relative of mine. How embarrassing! So I don't work, I can't fulfil my dreams and I can't be the person I want to be.
I do wonder how many people on this forum really do have an odour problem. Not everyone I'm sure. I know that reading my post it may sound like it is all in my head and I can understand that. However, I do feel that it is both a physical and psychological problem. One feeds from the other. I know because when I feel that I don't smell so bad I get different reactions from people. Some of the reactions I got from school have scarred me so much I could still cry now just thinking about them.
Anyway, as usual I have written an essay. I wanted to send you my support and encourage you to approach your doctor about getting tested. Once you know the cause it has got to be easier to set about tackling it. I know there was a lot of information posted in response to your first post and it may take a while to take it in, but try to read back through it. Sometimes I find it helps to print it out and make it your own by highlighting what jumps out at you.
You said that you would like to stay in touch with people here, well you are welcome to email me. I am in the UK (as you probably guessed) so there may be a delay in my responses. But I think the best thing you can do is begin your journey to get better. It is easy for me to tell you, and I must do the same too of course, but please try to get some input from your doctor or start looking into your diet etc. Even if we don't become friends then just posting on this forum to say how you are would be great. I will always say hi!
Take care and I will be thinking of you
Wishing you health and happiness.