Have you isolated a specimen and looked at it under magnification (10x - 20x)? I have and its quite clearly some kind of schistosome with both male and female coupled together. I cannot identify the species though, mine have antennae like a giraffe or a snail, and the males have a “snout” on their heads giving the impression with the antennae sticking out the top of its head like a tiny silhouette of a schnauzer dog’s head. I’ve recently noticed little tiny translucent “swimming umbrellas” in my toilet after using the restroom. A strong LED flashlight held at the right angle and a big magnifying glass is needed to see these things which have a head that kinda looks like a fattened roman numeral II and a short line for a neck, and two long curved tails that form the canopy of the umbrella and do the swimming. Often only one tail moved and the other is immobile, and just dragged behind. They live about 10-15 minutes then die off and sink. Aure sounds like schistosome cercariae doesn’t it. I believe they are in my urine, because I’ve noticed an occasional stinging sensation on my feet if I pee in the shower, and afterwards little round red dots on my feet. Go read the website where the researcher there seems to have found a species, perhaps a hybrid or mutation of S.Haematobium which completes a reproductive cycle inside a human with no intermediate host needed and is sexually transmissible.
I too have taken enough praziquantel to kill a horse, and it makes a dent in these critters, but hasn’t even come close to eradicating them yet. They could have used their adaptive phenotypic plasticity to evolve resistance to praziquantel and alter their reproductive cycle in a short time too. There’s got to be some way of killing them off though, without killing me.
One thought that keeps running thru my mind is what if some govt/military/corporation/evil villain mad scientist/whatever has genetically created a species to be a bioweapon and i got released into the wild.... or worse, we were somehow chosen to be guinea pigs.