Pioneer, in a peacyful manner ... "essential" amino acids ... "essentail" fatty acids ... "essential" means that you have to get it from food sources because the body doesn't make it, correct?
Have you ever heard one mention of "essential" vitamin anything? I haven't ... so why would that be? Because mammal bodies MAKE their own vitamins. With a real concern on this subject, I'd be reading on how to encourage the production of vitamin so-and-so.
The moment that your daddy's sperm entered your mama's egg, YOU began to be DNA encoded ... some 16,000,000,000 (yes billion) charactors of directives to the precise being that is each of us. It took about 3 days for all of this to be written to that fertilized cell, then YOU began to multiply by division and grow and grow and grow ... now you talking about a miracle, 2 cells into a human being in 9 months and then to a full grown human in 20 yrs! Every cell in your body has that 16,000,000,000 code written into it. For what reason would you want to or need to change your dna?
Doc, the more I read on raw foodism, the more convinced I am that the mark that is being missed in vegetarianism and veganism is absolutely the fact that they are trying to build healthy bodies with dead nutrition from heating foods above 118degrees.
It is a scientific fact that enzymes in food are killed at temperatures above 118degrees.
It is a scientific fact that eating foods with no enzymes requires the organs to mutate enzymes that can digest the foods, giving those organs at least double work.
I challenge ALL to start incorperating MORE raw into their diet and see how they feel even after a week. Raw fruits and veggies, fresh juices, green smoothies. Have just one of these for a meal once a day for 7 days. I took the challenge, sure made a difference in my life!
Raw foodist do have a "too much energy" problem ... oh God grant me this. They have to look for creative ways to use it ... if the world had this problem, wouldn't it be a better place?
At 20, you didn't have a over-load of toxins in any of your organs, so you did a-ok. Throw in a few bugs and it gave you acidosis that almost cost you your life, huh? Probably there were times when "out" you had to fill up that canteen from natural water supplies?