Don't want to start a debate but just to show that this topic is a debatable one.
"In addition to goiter formation,
Iodine deficiency may also lead to hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid diseases, including Graves' and Hashimoto's disease. Studies have shown that iodine-deficient individuals have an increased incidence of antithyroid antibodies.
"Graves' disease is an autoimmune illness whereby the thyroid gland is attacked by the body's antibodies. This causes an inflammation and swelling of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism (an overactive metabolic state) is common in Graves' disease....
"Hashimoto's disease is also an autoimmune illness where the body produces antithyroid peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO) that cause an inflammation of the thyroid gland. The end result is goiter formation in many, and hypothyroidism is usually the end result of long-standing Hashimoto's disease....
"The increase in both Hashimoto's and Graves' disease, occurring at near epidemic rates, is because of
Iodine deficiency....
"In order to formulate an effective, safe, and inexpensive treatment for autoimmune thyroid problems, one must first search for an underlying cause of the illness. As I discussed in my book, Overcoming Thyroid Disorders, the underlying cause(s) of autoimmune thyroid disorders can be varied. This can include infections, toxicities,
food allergies (i.e., gluten intolerance), and nutritional imbalances. I believe that
Iodine deficiency may be an important factor in developing an autoimmune thyroid problem....
"Some researchers and endocrinologists believe that autoimmune thyroid problems are caused by iodine intake in excess of the RDA. However, before the adoption of radioactive iodine to treat the side effects of autoimmune thyroid illnesses, the use of higher doses of iodine was the treatment of choice for these illnesses. There are numerous reports in the literature, some dating back well over 100 years, showing the benefits of using iodine in excess of the RDA to treat autoimmune thyroid illnesses..... My clinical experience has shown that in an iodine deficient state, higher doses of iodine are an effective and safe way to treat autoimmune thyroid illness without appreciable side effects."
If you want to know what others feel about hypothyroidism, there is the iodine supplementation forum that is available. Quite alot of info there to read through.
Also, information about the benefits of coconut oil can also be found there, just type it into the search box.
best regards