It is your choice. Wellness comes from daily practice, patience, and habits. My wife is the same way. She has little to no patience; if results are not seen in the time it may take for a pill to hide symptoms, she tosses the method out as quackery or not for her… then reaches for a z-pack (potent
Antibiotics ).
With pulling however, she eliminated her cracked lips almost over night and swelling and pain around some pockets in her mouth subsided and disappeared in a few days, so she has continued with this.
If you are using a tooth paste, you may be hindering/canceling out the benefits of pulling as the glycerin in Tooth pastes, even natural ones, leave a coating on the teeth, gums and oral tissues inhibiting the re-mineralization of the enamel/bone in your teeth; use baking soda and
Sea Salt instead or good tooth soap.
There never was, nor will there ever be a magic bullet/pill/therapy. We must work (exercise) hard, and practice health and well being; once a natural course of life when the world was relatively unpolluted and un mechanized but has now become a difficult quest in today’s poisoned, over populated world.
My ancestors, including great grand parents that I grew up with led healthy active hard working lives (driving, gardening, climbing ladders etc.) until death while asleep in bed after a normal day of work, in their mid to late 90's. Every one of them had organic gardens and orchards they physically worked in and ate food from. Some of the best moments of my life were eating fresh picked food, unwashed right from the garden or tree while working with them (they used to say we all needed to eat a bushel of dirt in our lifetimes to be healthy). Every one of them could count the times they talked to or saw a doctor on one hand and used a lot of the remedies found today on curezone for any ache or illness as a matter of common knowledge.
My parents siblings have all died sickly and bed ridden in their 70’s (20 years earlier than the great-grand-parents and grand-parents), my siblings are sick and dying in their 40’s… (Another 20 to 30 years earlier still; one sister in her late 30's has terminal cancer) I am the oldest, just turning 50 and fighting like hell to gain back the health that was stolen from me by the broken promises of modern medicine and our abused environment. My kids are already sickly in their 20s...
Pulling may not be the end all, be all, but I am convinced it is a small part of the bigger puzzle that I am determined to put together. Pulling has helped with new tissue growth on receding gums, my teeth are much whiter, lips and oral health are much moister with increased saliva production, clearer facial complexion...
Steps off of box...