>- Why not do a complete mineralization protocol?
No reason not to which is what I do, but also no reason not to do the bicarbonate.
>- Besides sodium bicarbonate throws off ones sodium to potassium ratios!
Yes, if potassium is not included as part of the protocol.
>- I would think that this one mineral would only work if accompanied by the full spectum of minerals!
I agree, but again, in a pinch it can be beneficial and can produce faster results. I do think that much more study should be done. At the very least, it is significant support for the fact that cancer is at least in part due to acidity in the body.
>- have you or anyone known this baking soda cure to be real?
Yes, using topical baking soda had a definite observable effect on skin cancer tumors. Among the things that I have seen, this therapy produced one of the most noticible results. The most noticible is the ParaZapper MX which has completely killed some lesions within three to five days. They just shrivelled up and went away.