That's a really good post with many things regarding the ingestion of MMS.
"I believe MMS gave my teen(15) DD with an established chronic nose,
chest conjestion the worst cold during her midterm exams. She was coughing up
small amounts of blood as well. She later during MMS complained that there was a
spot in her nose that was burning inside her nose. Not the tip but on the inside
of one nostril. Never had experienced this, she has never complained of this
symptom or burning sensation ever before. I took her off MMS. Since then she
lost her cold but has developed the worst sinus conjestion she has ever had. It
as if the infection has come back even worse then ever before.
Is MMS like an antibiotic?
Doctors tell us to stay on the full 10 days 2 times a day like clock work and
not to miss one dose. Could the above experience with MMS be similar to not
completing an antibiotic? The infection was not killed and came back with a
vengence? Or the eggs were able to survive?"
I'll talk to that part. I am convinced that from my experience and that of others that MMS brings on a cold in many who take it. It brought on the worst cold I've had in several years along with a fever. IF MMS is an antibiotic, it would not do that - it was antibiotics that I had to resort to, also for the first time in many years, that killed the infection - not MMS. People can make all the antibiotic claims about MMS they wish, but that one just doesn't hold water.
Regarding the nose infection, when I sought medical advice, she told me to use a Neti pot to clear out my sinuses. I had one I'd never used, but have been using it for the 3 or 4 weeks since my infection, and will continue to use it on a daily basis. The benefits for me are great. My sinuses used to plug up during the night - even before the infection, but not any more. I use it a little while before bedtime and it keeps them clear and easier to sleep.
I personally slowed down my MMS a bit. Took 10 drops yesterday morning and the diarrhea was so bad, along with the fact I ingest 144,000 HU cayenne, that my backside didn't wish to sit down, so I needed to take a break. Will take it again this evening because at night it doesn't affect me that way.
idsfireguy, you post some good stuff on this site and I agree with a lot of it, but on this one I'm going to disagree. When you say that MMS is "selectively" an antibiotic - it can't be. It either is, or it isn't. I had a cold and fever that was induced by MMS, continued with MMS, and didn't abate until I took antibiotics - as much as I didn't want to, but by that time it was my only choice.
Your choice of words is like saying that a machine gun only kills bad guys.
"If this were not the case, then all those who have taken MMS/sodium chlorite on a long-term basis would invariably get or remain very ill, because they would have no intestinal flora to protect them."
Then there is no foundation for its ability to kill any bacteria.
Raw garlic (not cooked, or cold processed) does not kill intestinal flora either, and in fact kills parasites in the body - including the malaria parasite. I see a load of similarities between garlic and MMS, but garlic is not an antibiotic, and until some definitive tests - meaning real lab tests, as has been done on garlic - come through, I'm still not a believer. If the body benefits from MMS it could easily be because of boosting the body's immune system. (Garlic is much easier on the body than MMS.)
That won't stop me from continuing MMS, it will just allow me to keep my biases open.
"Acidified sodium chlorite kills anaerobic and acidic micro-organisms."
That doesn't make it antibiotic - as in killing a cold virus or the virus that causes AIDS, or any others.