"I'm a big conservative capitalist, but I really believe that Hillary is the punishment we need right now"
Perish the thought!
The truth is that Hillary will be our next president, only because it has already been decided. Look at all the crime that this family has in its past and present. Anyone else would have been politically ruined by now. Not the Clintons. Everything is merely brushed away. I agree with you about all the other candidates. They are a worthless piece of junk, I believe the worst bunch in history.
The only thing that will prevent Hillary from winning, is a revolution. A Ron Paul Revolution.
I meet the complascent fat, happy sheep every day, yet I believe that if we of a like mind all stood up and insisted that things needed to be righted, it just might happen.
And we are standing. Look at the donations, even from our very own military.
Even though Ron Paul has won every debate and has unsurmountable support, the media distorts everything about him, pokes fun at him, and has him at the bottom rung of every poll. This is a lie.
Even though he has won every debate, he has been ignored and ridiculed, both during and after the debates. The floods of votes are merely ignored and cast aside as though we are the least important segment of society. The sheep are told that we are merely "kooks".
WE ARE NOT "KOOKS". we are the only intelligent faction of society and that is exactly why we are being discredited. We are dangerous. Why, we want our freedoms back!
On Fox news alone I have seen this very sort of thing. Not even insinuating, but stating as a fact that people like us are kooks and even dangerous. I do believe we will be classed as the future "terrorists" of America if we are not now. By the way, the last thing I heard on Fox was that people who claim that they are in danger of their lives by the FBI and CIA, that those who claim they are mind controlled, and have been implanted by chips, are merely mentally ill. That's it, just classify them as crazy. So where do you go for help? Nowhere, as your very own family thinks that you are a kook and will turn you in when the time comes, "for your own good."
I agree with you, this is the Last Hurrah. If Hillary wins, and she will be the one, it is all over. Until then, I will not go down without a fight. Ron Paul is the one lone person fighting for our freedoms, for our constitutional rights. We can't just dismiss this. We must band together with him and make noise. Shout it from the housetops. Out of all those that are the sleeping fat happy sheep, some will wake up.