Response to CheiltisFighter:
Thanks for yer quick response, your right about the clogged digestive tract.. It will only alow minimal nutrient absorbtion. Make sure you only buy a natural variety of vitamins (once again no b.s. from the drugstore) because drugstore vitamins cannot be absorbed easily, are highly synthetic and will damage your liver. A couple websites you may want to check out are
(sells great all natural products) and
(high quality colon cleanse). Im currently taking alive vitamins from iherb, go to the site and take a look.. I find they make a big impact on my health. Forgot to mention in my original post, try and take some kinda immune support supplement (once again find an all natural product).
You are also right about candida causing skin problems. Dont forget all medical problems on the outside of your body are caused by some problem going on inside your body. Remember the big picture. Once I reduced the candida overgrowth in my body along with doing a colon cleanse, stopping smoking (weed and cigarettes), started eating alot of organic foods my lips got soooo much better. They still peel here and there but they no longer crack when I smile or talk.
You were also wondering about fasting during a colon cleanse, first off.. since you have Candida overgrowth this will be a huge challenge. One of the symptoms of Candida is very strong hunger urges. Check out the dr natura website I gave you above, thats the cleanse I took and fasting is optional.
Quote from Sigh.. "Why go through all this trouble to peel weekly instead of daily? doesnt seem worht it to me. I believe there might be a quick fix out there and there might not. PErhaps this is genetic disorder that u cant fix??"
Response to "Sigh..":
Originally when I first started suffering from Chlevitis I was smoking ALOT and licking my lips constantly, along with living a very unhealthy lifestyle in general. My lips would crack when eating, talking, smiling.. anything that involved opening my mouth. After I made some huge lifestyle changes my lips started to get alot better and stoped overgrowing skin so fast. They went from growing a full layer that would peel off every 1-2 days to growing a thinner more natural layer of skin that only peels maybe once a week unless I lick my lips alot.
Exfoliative Chlevitis could be partly genetic but I have my doubts, the way I see it is that due to all my unhealthy choices my body became inbalanced. Perhaps it is more likely that we all have a damaged gland or organ in our body that is causing the EC. I can almost gaurentee that when you get all your vital organs back into health your lips will follow, it only makes sense. I have heared of people curing their case of EC and it was not with a chapstick, they took various all natural supplements. From what I remember fish oils, evening primrose oils, good all natural multivitamin.. stuff like that.
Response to "The Ronin"
The reason the medication will not heal your case of EC is because medication cannot "heal" any sickness. What medication does is either hide or reduce the symptoms. The main thing to remember that I cannot stress enough is that only your body can heal itself! Drugs dont heal or cure anything. Not to mention the drug companies want you to stay as sick as possible so they can make more money. For example; more than one cure for cancer has existed since the illness became known, if the drug companies would acknowlege that and encourage people to go get cured they would stand to lose BILLIONS.
Response to "Julie"
Hey Julie, oddly enough the lotion that works best on my lips and makes them look great is an organic hand lotion (aubrey organics I think). Check out, I dont work for the site or get paid to promote them, Im just doing so because they sell alot of really great products that have helped me. Vaseline and Blistex contain ingredients like petrolium, which is basically unrefined gasolene. Stay away from any commercial products as much as possible because they are filled with harmful ingredients.
As for Candida, you need to take certain pills that will reduce the amount of yeast that has been building up in your body. Candida overgrowth is a bitch to get rid of and will take some work for sure. I havent read it yet but apparently the book "lifeforce" explains candida overgrowth and how to get rid of it for good.
Once again hit up and type in candida if you find a product you wanna try maybe check around other sites including ebay for the best price.
Do you all suffer from any other health problems or have you in the past, do any of you smoke, do drugs (legal or street), please everyone give a little discription of your situations. Maybe we can find some common grounds that could be causing EC.
Hope some of this helped,