hay iv been suffering from EC for the better part of a year now, the skin on my bottom lip either starts to peel of after about 3 days or goes white when i have a shower, clean my teeth or just get them wet in general iv tried using all different kinds of lip balms and vaseline. iv tried just leaving it and just let it grow and heal and use abit of double base cream moisteriser but it justa never ending cycle of me removing the skin on my bottom lip. i did have a habbit of biting the skin before i had this problem and i was stressing alot i had split up with my girlfriend of over fours years and am still trying to get over her .im pretty much a miserable basterd because of the break up and having EC has really put a downer on my confidence in general its a horrible condition that has only seem to have gotton worse so please could someone tell me about anything that will help me PLEEEASE