Greetings all iodiners :)
One of the things we ALWAYS have to remember in the world of natural health and healing is that the human body is FAR different than a sterile test-tube in a laboratory.
The well known law of halogen displacement (chloride, bromide, fluoride all displace iodine) is very true in a laboratory situation (at least, I've never seen any conflicting reports that say otherwise). HOWEVER (and this is a HUGE 'however'), this cannot POSSIBLY BE TRUE in the human body!!
Our bodies NEED sodium & chloride to maintain life (salt); our bodies NEED iodine. If salt displaces
Iodine in the human body, then iodized salt would NOT prevent goiter. But the tiny amount of
Iodine in salt DOES prevent goiter...and that's been proven a zillion times over.
The human body KNOWS what it's doing, and it knows what to do with sodium, chloride and iodine.
#1. If salt displaces
Iodine in the human body, then all the doctors & healers using iodine and salt would have NO postive results from the iodine supplementation. But people ARE being healed and experiencing miraculous benefits from iodine...even when they're taking 25 lil' milligrams of iodine and 10,000 mg of salt (10 grams - 1 teaspoon).
#2 If salt displaces iodine in the human body, iodized salt would not prevent goiter and cretinism. Yet iodized salt DOES prevent goiter and cretinism.
#3 If Dr. Jarvis truly believed that salt displaces iodine in the human body and he recommended very low doses of iodine (a few drops a week), then in order for his patients to gain any benefit from iodine, he would have had to insist that all patients taking iodine is such low doses refrain TOTALLY from ingesting salt. (I think jeff/jcrows needs to respond to this if we're to 'accept' Dr. Jarvis's theories on iodine - this is WAY too much of a conflict with the reality of what thousands of people have experienced to be taken/posted as a 'truth'...let alone posted as "help" or guidance to other people needing truth & assistance about health).
Our bodies have been bombarded with chlorine, fluoride & bromide for virtually our entire life. For most of us, the only source of iodine has been iodized salt. How many of us have goiters? ZERO (or VERY few). Does salt displace iodine in the human body or does the human body recognize each chemical and know what to do with it?
This whole 'halogen displacement thing' was discussed and debated at LENGTH in the early days of this forum. I don't know how many posts were lost in the 'crash', but Grz had a lot of good posts along these lines if you care to try to find them.
The one thing that is absolutely positively for sure? We have been trained (dare I say brainwashed? lol) to believe that only people that wear a white lab coat or have some kind of letters behind their name truly understand "science" and how the human body works...and that's nothing but TOTAL BS! We all have bodies, we all have taken iodine AND salt and seen benefits from the iodine (that cannot possibly be from salt). Most of us have experienced some level of 'laboratory truth' of halogen displacement when we experience the well-researched symptoms of bromide detoxification. Unlike in a laboratory, iodine in small doses DOES displace bromide, fluoride and chlorine in our bodies (along with heavy metals), and that HAS been proven in the urine testing of several thousand people.
A person taking 50 mgs of iodine daily was shown to be displacing over 600 mg of bromide daily in one of the reports. No matter "what the authorities say" about that being able to happen, it happened anyway....because the body knew it needed iodine and it knew it didn't need the bromide, and given even a small dose of iodine in comparison to the vast storage of bromide, the body somehow used/uses the iodine to push out the poison.
Just because someone has credentials...(and I don't care if those credentials are allopathic, naturopathic, or they claim to have 'the truth' because they believe in someone that was credential and/or make a living selling natural cures)...does NOT mean they have or know the truth!!
It's up to US to determine what is true and real. We cannot enter the world of holistic health and 'expect it to work' if we start our journey to healing by trusting and depending upon advise from 'authorities' with the same mindset that we trusted and depended upon allopathic medicine...yet the vast majority of posts on Curezone prove that is exactly what many of us continue to do.
It's like we went to "the church of allopath" for all our lives, and found we'd been totally deceived...and the first (or several) new churches that come along that claim: "the church of allopath is wrong, we've got it right" is enough of a comfort & confirmation to join THAT church for us (whether we've taken time to research their basic tenets, creed, & sincerity, or not)...and you can betcha, we'll trudge around that mountain until we die or learn the lesson. We can't expect to achieve pure, vibrant health without educating ourselves and THEN deciding which 'church' we want to join. As my mother in law constantly says to me, "Well, you'll do it 'till you don't" :)
And I feel, we desperately need to hold accountable those who continue to spread misinformation and/or refuse to change their thinking...even when confronted with the truth.
Bottom line for me? Salt (sodium chloride) may indeed displace iodine in a test tube, but it obviously does NOT displace iodine in the human body....and Dr. Jarvis knew that or he would have adamantly advised anyone he gave iodine to, to not ingest salt.
'Hope this helps someone on their pathway to health!
The Big P.S. (for those that believe or utilize the words of Jesus).
Seek and ye shall find (Matthew 7:7)
Here's what the word "seek" meant in the original language (taken from Strong's Concordance)
1) to seek in order to find
a) to seek a thing
b) to seek [in order to find out] by thinking, meditating, reasoning, to enquire into
c) to seek after, seek for, aim at, strive after
2) to seek i.e. require, demand
a) to crave, demand something from someone
Folks, if we do not: seek, meditate, reason, enquire, aim, crave, and DEMAND the truth, we're NOT going to find it :)