Out of context, I agree with you.
In context, I do not.
But I DO think everyone should stop the fighting. It is so sad.
I know I don't post often enough for you to know me, but it was not Hopsino that I agreed was a loser. It was everyone else calling Hopsino a loser and I was agreeing with the poster that made that statement. It was wrong to enter the fray and the post is gone now.
I have tremendous respect for Hopsino, you, Wombat, V, etc. and many others here at Curezone who are kind and helpful.
I am not going to leave and I hope you don't either, Killimunati. But I am not going to read those long threads of arguments, unless I feel I can effect a solution.
I believe one course is to not respond, no matter how upset we are at what is being said. If no one will respond, the argumentative posters will move on to something else. Maybe we could respond with REFUSE TO DISCUSS n/m. If a poster is receiving these, it shows our solidarity against the attitude and gives them no one to argue with.