Ken Kesey said "you can't keep walking through the same door" re:acid. And the door analogy comes from Aldous Huxley, "The Doors of Perception". And the Doors, btw, got their name from that book...hehehe... :)
Anyway, the 60's were awesome, for many reasons.
Iodine was one of them:
"The publicly un-proclaimed Iodide
supplementation program of the 1960’s was also associated
with reductions in the rates of cancer and cardiovascular
diseases, with generally improving intelligence, emotional
health, and happiness, and with increased capacity to fall
and stay in love, in both men and women. Recall that those
adults under that age of 30 during the 1960’s, and those
who came of age during the 1960’s, were called “The Love
Generation,” “Free Lovers,” “Digger,” and “Flower
Children.” With the increased level of dietary Iodide
during the 1960’s, Americans ended up with the highest
birth rates and marriage rates in American history, and the
lowest divorce rates (as a percentage of marriages) since
the 1920’s.
For the time being, let me just assert that ½ mg of
Iodide per day is still so little that most older people will
hardly notice any difference right away. In fact, that may
be why the famous “generation gap” developed during the
1960’s. Generally speaking, older people did not get as
much dietary
Iodide as younger people because they ate
less baked goods. Also with the lower Melatonin levels
and higher sex hormone levels in the elderly, they were not
as sensitive to what whatever
Iodide they did get. Thus,
they continued with their grumpier attitudes and in their
older more materialistic ways, while the young generation
felt happy, carefree, fell in love, had children and got
married at record rates. The older generations could not
understand why so many teenagers were throwing
prudence to the wind, falling in-love, getting pregnant and
getting married. The younger generation could not
understand what had made their parents so cold and
materialistic. They could not understand why their parents
did not know that love is the most important thing in life."