We could have dinner while waiting for the boil to come to a head!
When I used the word "pop", it was not in the sense that I would forcibly cause the boil to pop. Actually the bread/potato will bring the boil to a head and it will actually pop open on its own.
Granted healing from the inside is great but getting that junk out and eliminating the pressure and pain feels so good. I know as I had a boil come up on the upper right side of my abdomen, around the top of my rib cage, in July this year. Everything that touched it hurt, badly. The boil was raised, red and very inflamed. I used my Granny's trusted potato remedy and within a day it had come to a head, popped open and started draining. I kept it opened by flushing with betadine using a small syringe. Eventually it got smaller and has healed up, though I still have a faint reddish/purplish place on my skin that I hope will continue fading.
I think that I read here that someone mentioned putting
Epsom Salts on a boil also. I've never done that for myself before put I feel that it would work as I have used a hot
Epsom Salts soak to bring an abscess to the surface with horses hooves. Works very well in this respect...