I have made
Lugol's Iodine for over 10 years. It is toxic and has side effects, etc. It kills anything it touches in it's pure form and is superior to chemo therapy, etc..
I made natural
Iodine from trees and after 5 applications to the skin, the one thing I noticed: my finger nails became so hard I have to use toe nail clippers to cut them. So no doubt,
Iodine is the missing link to human health.
Man made chemical Iodines are very concentrated and produce deadly vapors and the dose must be small, BECAUSE it is basically a DRUG with a over dose possibility and with Iodine, that dose is very small. Anyone who ever made
Lugol's Iodine knows the vapors are extremely toxic to the lungs and probably would produce deah if you didn't have good ventilation.
With Tree Iodine, there are no vapors and since it is more natural, there is no real toxic overdose. I assume like most herbs, if you consumed way too much, you would just throw up. With drugs you may not have the option of throwing up and just OD.
Those who have searchd out prostrate herbs, have read that "your barking up the wrong tree", referring to Pygum bark and with Iodine, medical has been barking up the wrong tree for a long, long time. God gave us all trees, not what Dr.
Lugol created as a drug.
Toxic Iodine is not the solution, I took it for 10+ years and never experinced an increase in health; it does kill bacteria/
parasites with out killing the human (in small doses. Real Iodine comes from the TREE, it washes down to the Ocean and thats why people have used kelp, but THEY never went to the dirtect source, the TREE. Our Trees make Iodine, ocean plants are bathed in trace Iodine (second hand Iodine. Our soil has made its way to the oceans since the beginning of time.
I notice when I bulldose a Mulberry Tree over, the roots are white and then within minutes the roots start to bleed PURPLE, the same color of the berries. I suggest our purple berries have very small trace amounts of Iodine, NATURAL IODINE and since human food is ONLY FRUITS, it is no wonder fruits restore health and natural Tree/vine Iodine is a huge part of this.
I notice Iodine is a result of damage to a tree, almost as though it must be exposed to air first. I have no doubt it is a reaction that makes the Iodine appear so we can see it and why it is know to rapidly return back to the air.
People have always eaten the WRONG DIET and then desired to OVER SUPPLEMENT, so they can continue the wrong diet. This keeps their body in a state of imbalance and constantly working 10X too hard to maintain balance. Taking one supplement demands taking another or risk being out of balance (sickness) Medically it is known as the roller coaster effect that most people ride their entire life from birth to death.
I think Tree Iodine is a great treatment, but the cure will always be the fruit of the tree diet. To take commercial made Iodine preparations is like buying a season pass to an amusement part and riding the highest roller coaster every day! Return to the natural purple fruits for your natural Iodine in proper trace amounts.