You have a clear cut reason to flush; that is to remove stones consequently you need a good stone removal protocol and the Andrea Moritz flush is just fine. You don't need to do anything before hand and you don't need a
colonic or anything like that. It quite simple, just the
Epsom Salts and then olive oil with lemon/grapefruit juice, etc.
I didn't have an ultra-sound to start with. I worked out for myself what was wrong and decided to try the liver flush. I was not convinced that surgery would solve the problem and it was the only option to my doctor here in the UK. Hanna helped me and supported me.
I had an ultra sound after 3 month when my liver and gallbladder started to expel a large amount of sludge. The sludge was visible on the ultra sound but it was so dense that any stones couldn't be seen. I had another ultra sound some months later that showed the sludge was clearing and that I was free of stones. Two weeks later I expelled a hard white stone. So even is stones aren't visible doesn't mean to say you don't have them; they just don't reflect the sound energy.
Here is a scan of 4 hard white stones that I expelled on one flush:
It was quite amazing what came out with each flush but today when I
Liver Flush to make sure I stay clear I seen nothing and I don't have any dietary restrictions or digestion problems.