Yes I agree this is not an easy one.
Fortunately Curezone exists, which is about educating and not medicating
If someone taking Prozac where to understand that things like bi-polar and chemical imbalances is just stuff thats "made up" by the Psychiatric profession in order to sell drugs they would have a different view about taking it.
Everything in that "profession" is a disorder.
In their medical manual you will find a disorder called "Unwilling to go to therapy disorder".
Thats listed as an actual disorder.
They came up with a very successful one to put kids on drugs called ADHD
Attention deficit - attention - lack of -- means the kids mind wanders.
Hyperactive - ever see a kid that drinks too much coke - he's hyperactive
So a kid whose mind wanders and is hyper is successfully put on a mind altering drug called Ritalin.
Ritalin is mostly composed of Speed and Cocaine.
Anybody can have this stuff analyzed in a medical lab and find this to be true.
I'm sure someone is going to read this post that knows of someone who was on Ritalin as a kid and grew up to be a cocaine or crack addict.
Its hard to miss because they were turned into addicts as kids.
Their crime was - their mind wandered and couldn't sit still.
Pretty much known as normal for a kid.
Prozac is in the same family.
I don't know of the specific ingredients, but I know it is quite harmful and benefits nobody.
The only thing anybody should do with it is gradually get off of it.
Hopefully being motivated to do
The Master Cleanse is a way to get there.