I thought I'd try oil pulling just to 'see what happened'. I am 100% skeptical. Try as I might, I just couldn't fin much on the net about why it should work other than the same 'Dr Karach' article cut and pasted. However, I did know a little about the use of oils for massage healing and in Indian folk medicine so oil pulling didn't sound as nuts as it would to someone with no interest in natural health.
Have been oil pulling twice a day for two weeks. While 100% expecting nothing to happen, the issues I was interested in were as follows:
1. Teeth and gums. I recently had a
root canal after a big abscess and the tooth didn't settle - that area is still puffed up. After seeing a specialist he suggested a retreatment would be 90% likely of success so I thought I'd have it done. I've always have extremely yellow teeth, even though I only had three fillings before the
root canal issue. I drink only small amounts of tea and coffee and don't smoke - my teeth just tend towards yellow. I use OraMD instead of toothpaste and that made my teeth whiter than ever but they are still more yellowish than average.
2. Psoriasis. Always had this but it's gone really bad in the last two years and broken out in areas I've never had it.
4. Dermatitis. I get chaffed skin easily when the weather turns cold.
Would oil-pulling do anying?
Well, after two weeks, twice a day with good seasame oil here's the results.
1. OraMD is great stuff and in the few months I've been using it (prompted by the abscess) has made my mouth feel much better. Did the oil pulling add to this? Yes - my gums, which have always been pink and normal now have a textbook quality about them. The abscess area, perhaps most remarkable of all, is now barely puffy and looks almost 100% normal (however, as I know there' still infection in the tooth I'll still need the retreatment).
Also remarkably, I now have much whiter teeth! They still yellow during the day with eating but it's strange to see them so white at times. I haven't brushed my teeth more since oil pulling, timing to fit with my dental regimen, as I didn't want simply brushing my teeh more to cloud the results.
2. Psoraisis. Can't say it's had any impact of the patches of
Psoriasis but my skin does feel softer and I'm a little fresher faced. Hands seem very soft and childlike. This could be imagination.
3. Dermatitis and shaving rash is SIGNIFICANTLY less. Can be very red, now not instantly noticable.
Conclusion. After only two weeks any improvement could be fluke, or merely me slowly getting back to full health after several months of dental work and stress. However, I'm pretty convinced that as a mere mouth'n'tooth treatment it's well worth it. The whiter teeth and healthy gums effect is widely reported even by those who don't see much improvement elsewhere.
I will continue for a while for sure. Who knows - maybe more systemic effects could be forthcoming.