Look and try with all your might, you won't change a thing.
Would that you could. I admire your courage and tenacity to try though. I did this for years and failed. My strong mind and will got me along for a while, then when depleted, my health stared to fail.
hope that doesn't happen to you my Trappey friend. My saving Grace was that I was basically healthy in the first place, and have God Himself on my side. If not, I would be dead by now. I've been pronounced dead a few times now, and I ignore this now when allopathic doctors tell me so.
But, each person has to live as best they can until they reach their own limit. Some of us reach that limit early on, some of us take longer. If we are blessed by God and go where He leads us, we will know where and when our limit is.
But sooner or later, we will hit our limit, and God provides for us in any case.
Thank you Lord that I am free, Mamahuhu