THANK you, Tea Cup, for listing the links. I just ordered the book. I've had alot of the symptoms for several years now, following years of extreme stress from a divorce situation. The hardest thing I've ever been through in my life, was having my ex-husband determined to have sole custody of our 3 kids, and having the lawyers tell me I didn't stand a chance in fighting him, plus I wasn't going to put the kids through that- I defaulted on the divorce, let him have his way. His whole reason was- exact words "sole custody gives me total control of the situation". I'd been a homemaker for 16 years, a good mother, lived a totally clean life- nothing a judge would determine was "unfit" in any way. What was all in his favor, the lawyers told me, was he could provide the kids all the security they were "used" to, the house came with the job, they wouldn't have to move; it was a small town, so they could still be with all their friends etc. etc. I had no clue where I was going, or what I was going to do when I got there.
That was just the beginning of the stress...the step-mom, 3 more kids, entered into it immediately, and she has been vicious- not just to me, but to my 3 kids, even now that they are grown.
She couldn't get me to react, but she tried. She's very competetive and no matter what it is, she's "one-up" on you. But, the
Depression from being away from my kids, and, ( more exact words from my ex- "I'm going to make it hard on you") ..which they were determined to do, and did. made life a living hell for a long time. Along with the worries of finances and trying to figure out what I was going to do, and not having the money to do much of anything...and then, after telling me he wouldn't, getting the court order for me to pay child support, and yet, all the travel to pick up the kids was mine, when the kids were with me, their shoes were worn out, etc etc, they only got new clothes/shoes they needed from mom, it definetly didn't come out of child support.
That's just an example of the level of stress I know did a number on my body, and 12 years after it all started, I have a bunch of the symptoms- but I've also had liver problems, and I do know that emotions like I went through, affect the liver/gallbladder. But, recently, I also started a
parasite cleanse (thanks again, Curezone!) and have done liver flushes- and I am full of liver flukes.
Through Curezone, thankfully, I have been finding answers that have not shown up on all the medical tests I've done. I also found a good chiro/chinese med Dr. that got me started on liver detox/colon cleanse etc. He lives 3 1/2 hours from me, and like he told me...things need to be done in phases..but when I got back the middle of Oct, Adrenal testing is one thing he's doing in his office, I don't know if it's a saliva test, or what, he sends it off. But, he had me do medical blood tests, and especially looking for thyroid (TSH) etc, and nothing showed on the blood tests...however, when he did Applied Kinesiology testing on the showed weak immediately.
Like the Alternative Med Dr told phase at a time.. and I have been learning a bunch, and am grateful to be finding out answers, because I KNEw it was not all in my head, I HAVE felt like crap. But, I would never have gotten any answers through medical Dr's, they thought I was just a depressed, hypochondriac, and because nothing was showing up on medical tests, including ultrasounds/MRI's etc- blood tests for all hepatitis's...and yet, liver enzymes continued to be elevated, even after gall bladder surgery (which, the hyda-scan did show the gall bladder was only functioning at 5% capacity)...around $30,000 later, I am now finding answers. One other thing that did show up, was one nurse practionier tested for Epstein Barr, and it showed up highly positive for chronic/reactive. I don't ever remember having mono.
Thank you for all the information. My life has definetly been affected by the fatigue etc. Even thinking of doing things that require effort has been too much, let alone actually doing them. Just going to the post office for the mail doesn't get done. I'm 48 years old.
I'm looking forward to reading the book that was recommended on the one site you gave a link for.