Your blogs get my brain cells in a tizzy sometimes...
Date: 5/3/2006 11:07:42 AM ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2555 times
I agree, Kerm, college level Statistics is one of the most tedious, boring, sleep inducing classes I have ever had the misfortune to attend. Numbers is not my forte, but give me a handful of words and I can write you a book.
Speaking of words, I also agree with you that 99% (my statistic) of advertizing is absolutely wasted and much used to misinform the public about a product.
It's true need is going to supply the demand. What happens when there is no need for a specific product a company is selling? The answer is, sometimes the company creates the need... a great example of this is Big Pharma. They create dis-eases and then use their advertizing to convince the public they have these ailments so they'll buy their product.
I'm rambling... but your blogs get my brain cells in a tizzy sometimes... LOL
~ Dazzle
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