Blog: SecondGlanceGirls Fasting and Weight Loss Journey
by SecondGlanceGirl

Day 2: Not a successful begining but there was progress

Weight loss despite failure to fast

Date:   9/9/2007 1:59:07 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2045 times

I really believe that water is an amazing thing. Yesterday was not a successful fasting day for fact I think it was one of the biggest binge fests i've had in a little while:

1 large beef noodle soup
1 large mango smoothie
A 3 piece KFC meal which included fries, macaroni salad and orange pop (yeah at this point I was in the, i've already broken any chance of a fast or diet so i might as well go out with a bang mindset)
1 bag extra butter popcorn
1 pear
1 peach
3 oz. mozzarella cheese
1 slice deluxe pizza
20 sunflower seeds

So it was a free for all on the eating front, but believe it or not I wasn't even full from all this. I could have put away double this if I had wanted to. But I made myself drink as much water as I could whenever else I felt hungry and despite this pig out I managed to lose over half a pound yesterday. Mind you I did walk for 2 hours yesterday at a relatively leisurely pace, but i'm not sure that is enough activity in combination with the binge to result in that weight loss.

Now why did I not start the fast? To be frank I really didn't feel like it. I felt angry at myself for not sticking to it but I just wanted to feel satisfied in those moments and I didn't care. Stupid I know and I feel crappy about it. I always seem to set goals to start a fast in the evening after I am so full of food. It's funny how motivated you feel to abstain from eating, when your stomach is full, and then the next day when you are half way through the fast and you feel the hunger pains coming on its not as easy. And when its not that easy you start thinking of various other diets you should be trying, like atkins, or raw, or juicing or anything else other than nothing at all.

So far I am 15 hours into another attempt to water fast and I'm not sure how long i'll be able to hold out. But if I do crack i'm going to really try and not binge like I did yesterday!!!

SW: 53.2 pounds overweight
CW: 52.6 pounds overweight

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