Blog: FireFighter Wedding
by #53776

This week starts my diet & physical fitness plans...that have failed previously :-(

Wedding in 13 months!!!

Date:   4/28/2007 6:43:15 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2823 times

I want to look "sexy" for my wedding--I don't think I look that great right now--but my fiance must think differently--he has told me so many times about how my looks drew him to me---& then friends kinda gave each of us the nerve to get to know one another. Anyway, we are now planning our May 2008 wedding. I'm not really overweight..but I want to be more toned & tanner. I also have acne scarring on my face--its tends to decrease in intensity if I lay off the pop--but I'm addicted--that is all you can say. I will go for weeks without having any and then I binge drink on mountain dew & end up getting "hooked" on it again :-( I don't eat well & regularly---I tend to skip breakfast--sometimes lunch (& if I don't I have junk food). I would like to make some new good "life" habits--we want children eventually--two to be exact--I want to have them natural--but he wants me in the hospital if something would happen---his sister almost died with a home birth so he won't even consider that cause he doesn't want anything to happen (but babies are a few years away) Right now---health, wedding, & keeping the love strong are my assignments so to speak.

My goal is to update on health goals & accomplishments almost daily. I have 13 months to rock n roll---I have to start NOW--no more of this tomorrow crap--cause tomorrow never gets here-it has to be today.

I need some major text supporters out there--I have my lover but he doesn't always understand my little "feminine" goals---he is always asking me when I have time to plan all my little goals and such out, like that I don't want pain meds during labor & different little things--they seem to almost amuse him.

Ok, week #1:

1) Drink 2 (8oz) glasses of water daily--I don't drink any right now
2) Eat breakfast
3) Treat dry skin daily with olive oil

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Comments (5 of 5):
thank goodness! n/t ren 17 y
the wedding is sti… #5377… 17 y
wedding off?? ren 17 y
Thanks n/m #53776 17 y
Congratualtions! tambee 17 y
All Comments (5)

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