Blog: My First Parasite Cleanse
by glse

Day 1/2

Background and first day.

Date:   12/5/2006 6:42:48 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2187 times

So I've decided to do a parasite cleanse after coming down with breast thrush from breastfeeding. I am a first-time mom who had to have a medically necessary c-section, and as a result, had a large infusion of IV antibiotics. About 2 weeks after giving birth, I started noticing my lips peeling and tip of tongue burning. A couple of weeks later, I realized my nipples were bright pink. Started doing a little research and realized that I probably had thrush. Long story short, I did, and it was also in the ducts. After doing nystatin and diflucan, along with the "candida diet", fasting, and a ton of natural antifungals, no improvement whatsoever. Did some more research and started reading that if you have parasites, you cannot get rid of candida, also reading that a liver flush will not work if you have parasites. . . so I figured that I have nothing to lose. So of course, tried stuff at health food store with no results. After exploring the forums, decided to try humaworm - people seem to have had success with it, plus the people running it seem honest and it is affordable. Again, at this point, nothing to lose! I am so tired of the glowing nipples! I stopped breastfeeding once I realized I had to go back on antidepressants (was hoping I would not have to and I know what many people on this site say about prescription drugs, but this is what works for me. . . .).

Plus, I gotta say, as an exercise physiologist with a background in nutrition, the candida diet is exactly what I tell people I am working with NOT to do, and here I was doing it! After that and fasting, I am under my pre-pregnancy weight (and as my husband says, could use a couple of pounds - I am naturally very lean and muscular, so weight loss makes me look a bit scary!). I do think that the diet, while maybe "starving the candida," is starving the physical and perhaps spiritual body. So I am back to eating my regular (very clean) diet and now am going to parasite cleanse.

Got the product in the mail yesterday and took my first dose last night. Evidently, some people get a heartburn-type feeling when taking it - I got that. The FAQs on their website say that is from the "rush of herbs into the bloodstream," but I'm kinda thinking it is the cayenne pepper in it, but whatever.

Slept ok last night. A little tingly all over, and my kidneys felt like they were burning. Hoping that is ok. No BM this morning. Very little this afternoon, but nothing exciting to report, although it smelled kinda fishy. Was hoping for some major BMs, but nothing yet. Lots of rumbling around in the intestines today, though. Been drinking lots of water as usual. Took my 2nd dose today about an hour ago. Hope to see some fun stuff in the toilet soon! Will take some smooth move tea tonight to hopefully move things along. Been also taking lots of fiber and one P&B shake a day.

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