Blog: My Health Journey
by alternliving

The Health Restore Plan: My Progress Thus Far

This entry describes my progress with my "health restore plan" thus far and some thoughts on my life in general.

Date:   11/30/2006 6:16:11 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3658 times

I mentioned in my previous entry that I am on step one of my health restore plan. I just wanted to elaborate on this and let be known exactly where I'm at.

1a)Switch to a healthy diet and spring water for a water source.
I've been on an improved diet for about seven and a half weeks now. This, however, does not include two weeks when I went on vacation and wasn't able to stick to it, mostly due to lack of health food resources and my dislike of cooking. I basically just eat out at my local health food store all the time, which has a great deli, hot menu, and juice bar, and occasionally I eat at a local health food cafe, which is equally good, if not better, than the local co-op. This saves me cooking, the work of which tends to get in the way of sticking to a healthy diet for me. I do cheat occasionally, maybe once a week when I get a non-health food snack or go out to a different restaurant for a change of pace. I eat pretty much anything that my health food co-op serves, and the same goes for the local health food cafe that I mentioned. This doesn't make for the greatest diet ever, but a lot of the food that I eat is organic, and I avoid the worst of the worst, what with all the products being "health food products." In terms of water, the only water that I drink is Evian. My daily water consumption varies, but I tend to consume, on average, three glasses of water a day, plus about 4-6 12 oz. fresh juices per week, which they say is equivalent to drinking water in terms of its hydrating effects. The quality of the juice is decent, although the juicer at the health food store is a centrifugal juicer, and when they juice oranges they leave the skin on and the machine does the work itself, which I've heard is not good for you.

1b)Exercise 6x/week.
My exercise plan is in its early stages. I just started it this week. Today was my fifth day of running 1/4 mile. It isn't much, but I'm quite out of shape and, as I mentioned in my previous entry, ~50 lbs. overweight. I'd like to eventually work my way up to 1 mile a day.

1c)Lose the extra weight that I have on me (50 lbs. overweight), in part through 1 tbsp./ coconut oil 2x/day (1x in the morning & 1x in the late afternoon) and in part by not eating after 6 p.m. (also through diet and exercise)
I've been doing the not eating after 6 p.m. thing for a couple weeks now and have lost about 3-4 pounds, bringing me down from 201/202 lbs. to 198 lbs. I have ordered unrefined, virgin organic coconut oil but it still hasn't arrived. The diet that I'm on basically just keeps my weight stable (rather than gain weight) since I still consume a lot of sugar. So far the exercise doesn't seem to have made any difference, although I do have better energy levels and a more positive attitude every day because of it.

1d)Liver flushes (Andreas Moritz protocol)
So far, I've done two liver flushes. The first one only yielded about 30-40 stones from what I could tell, though I didn't collect the stones in a basket and do a thorough count. I just counted what I could see in the toilet. There may have been more. My second flush yielded no stones. I'm doing another flush in the second week of December.

1e)Homeopathy (as long as is necessary, work with practitioner)
I'm in the process of scheduling my first appointment.

1f)Craniosacral Therapy (full sequence)
I did 4 craniosacral therapy sessions a year and a half ago but stopped going after my therapist failed to measure my overall progress, likening the therapy to massage rather than something with a cumulative effect. I was disappointed and decided to stop going. For full detail, see my blog, "Craniosacral Therapy:" Anyway, I want to try again with a therapist who will help me measure my overall progress and help me go through as many sessions as are needed to permanently correct the blockages in my craniosacral system. I am currently looking for someone.

1g)Rolfing (full sequence)
I have made contact with a Rolfer who works 1hr.-1hr. 20 min. away from here. Hopefully I'll start soon on my 10-series.

So, I'm on my way with my health plan, with things really kicking into high gear recently. The most daunting thing that lies ahead of me right now is the liver flush sequence. I had a lot of enthusiasm for this therapy in the beginning, but now I sort of dread the whole week of preparation and then the epsom salts and everything else. It just seems like so much work, and I picture many flushes ahead of me before I'm stone-free. I have allergies, and I've heard that it can take up to 18 flushes to cure those. On the other hand, Andreas Moritz only had to do 6 flushes, and he had some serious childhood illnesses. I was not generally sick as a child, the worst of my illnesses being hay fever and acute illnesses like the flu, so maybe it won't take me that many flushes after all. I really don't know.

The hard thing in my life right now, other than my health problems, is that I have little to do. I am disabled and don't work, so I tend to sleep a lot and spend time trying to fill up my time! I live alone in a studio apartment in a college town where I don't know many people. I've lived here for six months. It's good living on my own because I have a greater sense of independence, at age 26, than I did living at home, which I did for a little over two years during and after college. It's basically my first time living on my own in the "real world" (sorry, I hate that expression), seeing as I was something of a non-traditional student in that I took 6 1/2 years to finish college. I took a lot of time off in my college years. Anyway, I do plan to look for a job in a couple of months (after I finish up the Rolfing and Craniosacral Therapy) since my current lifestyle is not financially sustainable, and then I'll go off disability, maybe have more of a life. I do live about 4 hours from my Dad and 7 hours from my Mom and only sibling, so I see my family fairly often (about once a month). I do go to mental health day services, including creative writing and art classes, but it is sometimes quite depressing to spend time with people who are mentally ill, in many cases severely so. My favorite people in town are the staff of the local health food cafe that I frequent. I've made a lot of friends there.

That's all for now!


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Comments (14 of 14):
Re: eyes and panic… yobel… 8 y
Re: eyes and panic… yobel… 9 y
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