Blog: An interactive journey to find alternative answers...for my son.
by #58811

November, Sunday, not sure of the date......

First Sunday in November......

Date:   11/5/2006 4:06:08 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2900 times

It's the first Sunday of the month. November is always good, but he is agitated. We increased the Gaba to one caplet in the a.m. and one in the p.m. So far it's a wait and see game. Looking into the pine needle tea, we don't have pine trees:-)
It's raining so the outdoors have been somewhat cut off, which is a bummer because he sleeps best after LOTS of outdoor time.
The little one is recovering from his illness and today one of the girls in my Sunday school class reminded me that last week I prayed for illness to strike (so I could get out of a b-day party today) and that it did. Good reminder that God blesses even when it's not really what we want (be careful what you ask for)and a great lesson for me.
My teenager is driving me nuts. I am also taking the Gaba, and should probably take more, it may make me more relaxed/less stressed.
Not much else, we're dosing everyone with vit-C a.m. and p.m. to try and boost the immunities for the winter time. Daycare is hard on us and everyone gets sick. (That's what I do, licensed daycare out of my home)
Not much else. For dinner tonight I"m going to try to get him to eat some steamed dark veggies, wish me luck.

Pine needle tea. We're going to check that one out. My husband says it sounds nasty, and my daughter walked by and said 'no thank YOU' (she's 7)! But we'll see.

Just about me...doing MC lemonade by day and in the evening eating salad, soup and a healthy meal with the family. I have 34# to lose, and I'd like to before my 40th b-day. Hard to get encouragment on that, most ppl don't understand the lemonade or the lack of daytime food.
Thanks for the input,

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