Day 3 18 y
Doing okay, looking forward! Ramblings on looking forward.
Today is good. Yesterday was better after a bath, but today is good. After really figuring out that this is detox, and a good thing, I’m okay with it. Juices are going well, and hopefully we’ll have a juicer by the weekend. I have a few that I’d like to put together!!
My support system is holding up really well. I explained to my oldest son what I’m trying to accomplish and he’s promised to support and not tease, etc. My husband is awesome, even if he was called out of town for a few days!
My tongue is still fuzzy, my ears were ringing this afternoon--thankfully that has passed. K ... read more
Day 2....OMgosh 18 y
day 2, determination, yucky stuff, and I can do this!! Lost 3#
Day 2.....omgosh! Have to note here that I woke up feeling GREAT!! Tons of energy, loving the weight loss, and all was well. Right up until 1pm when my tongue coated, my head hurt, nausea started, tired set in. Dang!! It’s working, doing exactly what is expected!! Dang!! I feel like crud!
It’s 8pm now and the kids are running the house, my inlaws are in town--and are as supportive as can be--and although I feel cruddy, my mental determination has never been this strong! Yes. Goal one, self control, it’s starting. I can do this.
Posted on the forum because I really needed to get ... read more
Day 1 18 y
Day one and going strong
Going well....!!
Veg juice alternating with fruit juice, and the amount of water I had hoped for. I OD”d on orange juice though and it really bothered the stomach. It was nice to feel empty and then refreshed again.
Temptation though, got stuck at a friends house doing some work. It amazes me how many times you have to say no to food when it’s offered. And annoying.
I’ll be excited to get on the scale in the morning and have great hope for any type of loss. Only disappointment today was that I didn’t get to exercise. It’s late, I’m tired, and starting to get a headache.
Reading t ... read more
Day 0.....looking to tomorrow 18 y
starting a juice fast tomorrow. Nervous, and have never completed anything long before.
Day 0 (zero): I really want to start this juice fast, but am not really ready. I’m afraid if I wait until it’s a perfect environment with all I need it will never happen. I have trouble committing to long term projects (more than a month) and have yet to finish a diet, exercise program, or cleansing plan. I’m hoping and praying that with great focus and husband support (!) I can do this.
We haven’t bought a juicer yet, looking at Friday if we can decide on one. But I bought a bunch of organic, sugar free, etc juice tonight and it’s should be enough for tomorrow and Tuesday. Hopefull ... read more