November, Sunday, not sure of the date...... 18 y
First Sunday in November......
It’s the first Sunday of the month. November is always good, but he is agitated. We increased the Gaba to one caplet in the a.m. and one in the p.m. So far it’s a wait and see game. Looking into the pine needle tea, we don’t have pine trees:-)
It’s raining so the outdoors have been somewhat cut off, which is a bummer because he sleeps best after LOTS of outdoor time.
The little one is recovering from his illness and today one of the girls in my Sunday school class reminded me that last week I prayed for illness to strike (so I could get out of a b-day party today) and that it did. G ... read more
Thursday Nov 2......update 18 y
Starting out on this journey.......
It’s been 5 days, and a busy group at that.
He is agitated, mostly because we don’t ’do’ halloween and his class does. Very confusing.
Last night we started the supplements Gaba and L-tyrosine. The first is 750mg/1cap at night on an empty stomach, and the other is 500mg at the same time. Then they (we) all take our vitC to prevent colds and such.
It’s been a long haul as the little one has pneumonia again. Seems like he and his sister at this age get a cold and it goes right into the lungs. Really bad deal, but the fever broke, and the breathing treatments are working. I’m upping ... read more
Introduction.....and hope. 18 y
October 2006, new hope
So, without giving to much info out that is to personal here we son is developmentally delayed, and he has neurological issues. I’ll go from the beginning and end up where we’re currently at. This blog is an online journal to remind my husband and myself where we are at, where we’ve been, what is working, what isn’t, and to ask for assistance and ideas. Please note that we love our son very much and are parents to four children of varying ages, if at any time it seems like we’ve overlooked...well, we have, we’re really busy and doing our best. That’s all we can ask.
He is bor ... read more