Blog: The Necessity for Change
by #31982

What road are you on?

The road of life has bumps and detours. You have to learn the way through over around and the key is to keep going never give up.

Date:   4/25/2006 10:09:38 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2272 times

“I was walking down the road and I fell in a hole. It was dark and I didn’t know where I was going. I was scared but after awhile I climbed my way out.

The next day I’m walking down the same road and I fall in the same hole. It wasn’t my fault. I was distracted and forgot about the hole in the road. This time I’m not as scared so I climb out of the hole faster.

The next day I’m walking down the road and this time I remember the hole in the road so I walk around it and proceed down the road with only a little bit of wasted time and effort.

The next day I remember there’s a hole in this road and I choose another road.”

Oh Lord I want to take another road. I want to learn my lesson and stop falling in the stupid holes in my life.. The hole of over eating the hole of procrastination or negative thinking....

Thank You for opening my eyes. Thank you for getting me to this point of being sick and tired of the same old. New things are happening in me and I know change is coming. Good change, positive change for my life...

I have read the word of God last night and this morning was more patient with my daughters and was able to spend some alone time with God on my way to work.. I WILL change my thought actions and habits because I want a strong character full of self discipline and control and patience and Love.. I realize this is a journey so steps no matter if one or many count towards it. I will never be content with Mediocrity..........

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