Blog: Subject to Change
by NolezGirl

The Last Meal

Do you ever think that you'll reach the point where food doesn't call to you??? I didn't think that I'd reach that point either...

Date:   11/28/2005 8:31:51 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1753 times

I just wrote a long thing and it went away! AHHHH!!!!

Thanksgiving has come and gone. I have reached a point that I never thought that I could is repeling me! I have eaten so much in these days and I feel so horrible. All that I want to do is reach the happy place that I got to after my 18 day MC in June! After finishing those 18 days I felt so in touch with my body and so light and carefree. Then I fell prey to advertising and dove into a pint of ice cream thinking that I had self control enough to not revert to my old ways. Boy oh boy was I wrong.

I have now blown up to above where I was before the MC. I'm not sure of my actual weight because I'm postponing the scale until tomorrow. I've been looking forward to this fast for a month now. I plan on doing a water/veg broth/tea fast with Oxypowder at night to keep the toxins moving out. I can't handle the SWF and since I'm not doing an MC I don't feel obligated to! WOO HOO! Freedom from the SWF!!!

Post fast I plan on continuing the bowel cleanse as well as doing liver flushes and a parasite cleanse. I can feel pressure on the right back side under the ribs...I know it's my liver/gb. I am also positive that I have parasites of some sort. I'm gonna get rid of those critters!

I am currently on an antidepressant and an antipsychotic. I am not willing to quit and put myself through the emotional anguish and others through the hell that is knowing a manic. It'll be interesting to see if my moods are affected at all.

Let the roller coaster ride begin!!!

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Comments (3 of 3):
Passed a worm! #36960 19 y
Re: worm passage NolezGir… 19 y
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