Blog: John's Blog
by John Cullison

There and back again

How to realize the dream?

Date:   10/26/2005 9:01:21 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 3911 times

So here I sit, with an idea so revolutionary that air particles tremble whenever I speak it.


The question is, how can I bring about a world where we all respect each other's right to make one's own choices for himself, a world where we treasure genuine freedom?

Ever feel like an outsider? I sure do. It's mind-boggling how uninterested people are in their own freedom. And why should they be? To deserve freedom, one must be willing to let everyone else be free, too. How many people are genuinely willing to take that step?

Look at politics in America today. Groups form to pay money to get "representatives" elected that will work to force the groups' opinions on the rest of us. That's not freedom. That's purchased tyranny. And whether it's the vocal morality chorus, or the business liar's association, or the corporate drug pushers of America, it doesn't really matter. No one has the right to enforce personal choices on another. That's what masters do to slaves, you know, and really, that's all they consider me to be -- a pawn, a slave to be controlled and directed and manipulated and lied to.

So what do I have to do to break out of this situation? The threat of force to coerce me into not exercising my rights is intolerable, and yet revolutions are so passé. You know, the Declaration of Independence tells us that our duty, when dealing with a government that acts against the interests of the people, is to throw off the shackles of tyranny and replace the defective government when a good one, but it seems like the only way to pull that off today would be to secretly nuke all the capitol cities at the same time, kill all the banking families, destroy the weapons manufacturers, and exile all the lesser minions to Mars.

Couldn't there be an easier way?

Wouldn't it be great to have a peaceful revolution? Wouldn't it be nice to simply decide to treat each other with respect? Wouldn't it be great if those in positions of power suddenly awakened with a new sense of freedom and personal responsibility?

You can stop laughing now.

So, what do I do? How do I find this world I dream of?

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Comments (15 of 25):
Re: Well Said , Jo… popoe 16 y
Re: Heavy but trut… kermi… 18 y
Re: Heavy but trut… John … 18 y
Heavy but truthful… kermi… 18 y
Re: I share your o… John … 19 y R
Re: Well Said , Jo… John … 19 y
I share your outra… daizy… 19 y
Well Said , John !… Wrenn 19 y
Re: more to ponder… drofi… 19 y
Re: more to ponder… John … 19 y
Ad hominem abusive… kermi… 19 y
more to ponder... drofinn… 19 y
Re: the fun begins… John … 19 y
the fun begins whe… drofi… 19 y
hey John Wrenn 19 y
All Comments (25)

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