Blog: Self Cure With Herbs
by damaniindia

Knowing the body part that is diseased.

Identifying the part or the organ on the body causing the disease.

Date:   10/17/2005 10:10:51 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2227 times

Once you have identified as to which part or organ of your body is sufferring from ailment you have to understand the organ its working procedure as well as the other issues relating to the same.
Deciding upon the cure will depend on the organ concerned.Say for a sore throat the treatment would be differrent from that for a vaginal infection.Even though both are bacterial or viral infection they require different appoach to treatment because of the organ concerned.
We can make lot of herbal decoctions or inhale special aromas or apply differrent types of medicated and herbal oils on the throat and the neck but can not be so choosy in the vaginal tract.You have limited options and are dealing with a very very delicate soft tissue which can be severly damaged by just wrongful thrusts during intercourse.
Coming to the point once you have identified the part that is at the root cause on your physical discomfort then comes the process of finding the intricacies associated with the organ and how can we self cure the same without damaging it more than that we already have done.
In the next issue I will try to categorise the various methods of natural self cures which can be carried out and then we plan as to how to decide rhe cure to be applied and to which organ and when
bye till then
Anand Damani

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