Blog: Self Cure With Herbs
by damaniindia

Looking for symptoms and analysis of symptoms

Understanding Symptoms better and their significance in self cure.

Date:   8/20/2005 6:55:27 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2150 times

No one enjoys feeling poorly, or suffering and experiencing pain. Symptoms are unpleasant. We have been taught to view them as bad and we seek ways to alleviate them as quickly as possible, but it is often without regard for our health or without understanding their role in our health and well-being.

It is important that we understand that pain and symptoms are not always bad. Our body was designed with an intricate warning system in order to make us aware of injury, harm and danger.It is like having an expensive fire alarm system in your home and disconnecting it before going to sleep so that it does not awaken you in the middle of the night. That is its job!
Further, symptoms can possibly be an indication that the body is doing its job perfectly. Eating tainted food could precipitate a bout of vomiting and diarrhea. While they are admittedly two of the most unpleasant symptoms, they could save your life as they rid your body of unwanted toxins. Trying to prevent these symptoms will always result in more harm than good for teh body.

Symptoms are Meaningful

Symptoms are often thought of as negative phenomena rather than seen as important messengers or the accurate language of the body, mind and spirit. A healthy body produces symptoms as part of its inherent intelligence to defend, adapt, respond, and improve itself. When the body produces symptoms it is an adaptive measure to deal effectively with causes of illness.Understanding them is very very essential to identify the ailment.

Symptoms are Individual

Many people share similar reactions to a particular stimulus, the similarity is only superficial. No two symptomatic responses are exactly the same. Therefore in any disease there are many possible symptom patterns expressed by different individuals. As a result there are many remedies for any one particular disease or condition.

A detailed Knowledge of medicine or anatomy is not a prerequisite to succesfully practice self cure.Therefore in self Cure so much stress is to be placed on understanding and getting to know symptoms.These are positive and alarm system designed to ensure the health of the body as a whole.

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