Blog: Self Cure With Herbs
by damaniindia

Locating the Place of Disease by studying Symptoms 1

Like Modern medicne and Allophathic doctors, Self Cure depend on detailed diagnosis in order to analyze disease symptoms. The diagnostic goal is to discover the underlying cause of any illness.

Date:   8/25/2005 2:21:35 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 2054 times

Analysis and study of Symptoms

Like Modern medicne and Allophathic doctors, Self Cure depend on detailed diagnosis in order to analyze disease symptoms. The diagnostic goal is to discover the underlying cause of any illness. In all Traditional Alternative medicine the physician works to discover the body organ in which a disease is situated and to evaluate the proper and smooth functioning of the body. The energy level within the body is also of primary importance in planning the most effective course of treatment.
There are basically three ways that diagnosis of body functioning and diagnosis undertaken. These include basic physical observation, the ancient Traditional Alternative method of reading the pulses and a more traditional method of taking a complete history along with laboratory testing. Physicians may use any of the methods of testing while in self cure it is advisable to try all that can be done by us.
For Successful Self cure you will also have to observe the condition of the tongue, the color of other body parts, the condition of the bones, fingers, hands and nails. It is prudent to watch carefully the color time andpattern of Intake and excetion from the body.Often these may not show any change at all. But this will help in identifying and being alert to the various effects any disease can produce in our anatomy.

The Traditional Alternative developed an all-encompassing scope for reading the smooth functioning and the balance and equilibrium between various body systems organs and teh Inner self all existing as asingle unit. The ultra-sensitivity of this complex interrelation and cross connection required a high degree of experience to perfect.In case of self cure since the body to be studied is only one this expertise can come quickly in amtter of few MONTHS.
Just Like an experienced physician Self cure people become Experts in all facets of their alert points and are quick to spot any message coming from teh body.They understand the subtlest fluctuations in the flow of various balance between the organs and bowels along the digestive tracts.
Traditional Alternative medicine is a holistic medicine. This means that there is an awareness that what affects the body, will also affect the mind and what affect the mind will also affect the spirit. Going in the opposite direction, an emotional disorder can manifest in the body as a disease or other disharmony.

These general observation of the various symptoms will have to be supported by very close watch on the problem areas and specific local point of discomfort and pain or discomfort.

Anand Damani.

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