Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Time goes on... DUH!!

Ideas still have consequences... DUH!!! While we wait and waste, time moves on in haste... We must try to keep our pace or we may lose our place.. Then we will end up in some blank space, which is just the case.... DUH!!

Date:   11/2/2005 8:48:37 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2325 times

With all the planning we do, you would think we could at least find our real place in life...  It is not about sex, and wealth, or power and pleasure... All of these things are only temporary, only love and loyalty last....

Many times in this life we are our own worst enemy...  When we should learn to be our own true friend...  Why the fuss and muss when all we need is to learn to thrust ourselves into  trust... DUH!!

Ideas still have consequences....  So as we think, we are...  You will never be more that you think you are capable of...  You limit yourself friend, in life most times...  The world only lets you succeed at being yourself... {Who you want to be}  You were given a beginning and then a few years of guidance and instruction before becoming the whole you....  You were given the freedom to fail....  While there will always be some failure, or set backs, you should be determined to press on toward glory and the better future that lies ahead of you...  So choose which it will be, I choose individual freedom, and success... 

Most of us tend to follow the whims and ways of those around us...  We do not dare to think independently, or on our own...  That requires effort and original thoughts...  DUH!!    So sorry to say we end up as not more than robots or some similar trained animal, responding to the call of our chosen masters...  Is this what life is all about??  I don't really think so....   In fact I know that with such a follow the leader; mentality and such learned behavior many of the people of the World; have been linked to poverty and very dismal lives....  So sad, when it does not have to be...

So when it comes to your doing something trust your heart and follow the intellect of your mind....  If you are lost refer to some of the "Brain Boot Camp" blogs sessions...  We can help you to become the person you were meant to be...  The person you always wanted to be....   We are not talking about becoming a millionaire, or some such....  Rather becoming the person that GOD had wanted you to be...  A caring concerned and loving person....  Someone who looks out for others, helps those in need and is a real life hero.... 

A real life hero is not some super person, or physical giant, rather an ordinary person who tends to be available to assist others in their time of need....  

 Life is full of hero's....  DUH!!   They come in every shape and size, every age, race and gender...  Real life hero's are the ones who show compassion to others, who learn to be their oneself, who become the person others can turn to in time of need... Learn to be a HERO to someone....

This is part of the real meaning of life, friend...  This is the real pace of life, where we learn to find our place...  Lets start looking beyond your own troubles and you will find that there is a whole lot of wonderful people and places that can use your help....   Try it you will like it.... 

This is one of the keys of LIFE..... DUH!! 

SEE ya on the next blog....   K



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