Blog: Ya’ think??
by kerminator

Every thing wears out or gets replaced.... DUH!!

Life is a cycle, and we are here for a while then the scene changes... DUH!! This is not my rule; I just report the truth!!

Date:   9/30/2005 7:47:16 AM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 2086 times

1) Everything wears out or changes....  DUH!!   If you don't believe it then you are either deaf, dumb, blind, and in a comma or dead....

2) No one on this earth today;  knows everthing...DUH!!  This is another one of those; if you don't know then don't ask statements.....

3) What ever can happen, will happen; and usually does when you least expect it... DUH!!    Just watch, friend..... it is a coming!!

4) You think you are BAD...  DUH!!  This is one that gets a lot of mainly males into a heap of trouble...   If you really think you are BAD to the Bone; you have not really seen BAD yet, friend.....  You need a wake up call, hopefully sooner than later; before it is too late....   I have looked into the face of death and seen the too late side, and it is not a pretty sight...  friend!

5) If you think that you never will, {never, should not a word of choice, for most parts of life} be late, run out of gas, have a flat tire, have to stand in line, get rained on, or get a phone call while doing some special activity....  Think again... DUH!!   It will happen, so get ready for life...  folks...

You are no ordinary man or woman, you are special, and we can choose to be either happy with our life or ill tempered about it..  Unfortunately many people resist change in their lives....  They do not really want to change and will continue the same bad habits, bad decisions, and bad attitude,   because they are so comfortable living in their sorrows, that they do not want to risk changing...   But it is change that improves your life, friend!!  DUH!!  So get on with your life, learn to love the journey, and not just the destination, you will get there one day....

"The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our life.." from Louise Hay     {There is a message here folks....} 

See ya....  K

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