Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

Congress Person?

YOU can determine how Billions of $$$$$
are spent this year by our GOVernment
for Food.

Date:   5/16/2007 1:51:09 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1326 times

10:58 AM
May 17, 07

Whose your Congress person?

You know, the people we elect to look out for our interests
in Washington D.C.

Each State has a bunch of them,
as well as two Senators.

In CA we have Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein.
Barbara and Diane are called Senators. Each state
has two of them.

Barbara is living proof, a woman can really be heard
when she is elected to public office.

I like a lot of what she is doing to make a shift
in the future of war and peace on earth.

Congress people?

Mine is Susan Davis. This saturday I see where she
is having a Town meeting in my neighborhood. If I am
in town, I am going to be there; if not, she will hear
from me by phone. I called her last week. I stay in touch.

If you go on the internet you can find a list of
the elected Representatives who are in Washington
working for you.

What happens when they do not hear from you?????

These places of Power, such as Washington D.C.
and Sacramento are like people Kingdoms.

I saw this first hand when I was invited to stay
with my friend John Vasconcellos, a senator from
the Silicon Valley.

John is an incredibly well meaning man.
In fact his legacy is called the Politics of Trust,
a Bipartisan project to restore some faith in the electoral process.

For a week, I was staying with him in his apartment.

We went to the Capital every day in Sacramento.

I saw a lot of things.

One morning, we went to breakfast. There was a free meal
given by a company that looked like it had some good science
behind it. IT was a meeting about Nanotechnology and the
people who were talking about this "advance" on GMO's
were feeding the elected officials breakfast while
showing some scary slides and stuff about the future
of food and medicine in the Golden State. John did not
know anything about Nanotech. He did not have a clue
that what he was seeing was scary for the future sucess
of human beings living on planet earth.

He was pretty much oblivious
to GMO's in fact, even though he is one of the best and well
meaning people you would ever want to meet.

He was there to be helpful. He was there to help the Silicon
Valley, and it sounded like these guys, AKA Lobbyists
had something good to say.


We got by last summer by within a minimeter of having the door
opened to GMO's in our state. Monsanto, one of the the Great
GMO supporters helped pass laws in a bunch of states
opening the door to the "standardization' of seeds.

That means, for those who do not get it, or read between
the lines, GMO's being

That Law near passed because, the people like
you and me, do not realize we are part of the political process,
and the educational process in these places of power.
The Law in CA did not pass because enuf of US were up in
Sacramento making sure we were being heard.

The way we get our Will done, is know who your Congress person is,
and know who are elected people are in Sacramento or wherever
you State Gov meets.

There are billions at stake.

IT matters, and your voice matters.

This year, there is a Major Bill before Congress in Washington
called the Farm Bill.

What does the Farm Bill have to do with you?

Last night I attended a panel put on by Andrew Weil M.D.
down at the Hyatt. There were all kinds of M.D.'s in the room
who where the leading edge of the Future of Integrative Medicine.
They came to town because they wanted to fill in the missing parts
of their education as Health Care Professionals.

Do you think it is enough for a Doctor to graduate learning
30 minutes about food? Andrew Weil does not think so.

I first met this man a number of years ago at the Pacific Symposium.
He was the keynote speaker at the annual conference that I do each fall.

You can see some photos of last's years conference here:

Altar Photos:

I believe I gave Andrew some aromatic herbs to sniff.
I am always doing something like that at these conferences.

The next time Andrew caught my attention was because he likes
dogs. He has a couple of them. He is good friends with
my friend and ally Anthony Zolezzi who helped create the Pet Promise
animal food company.

Andy Weil has given his name in support of Pet Promise.
He does not like animals eating junk food, which is basically
what the norm is for our beloved pets. It is no wonder that
so many of them died recently. There are not that many Pet companies
that go out of their way to feed animals anything but crap.

Of course, that does not go for Pet Promise.

I am very impressed with this man Dr. Andrew Weil.

I am about to ask him to Co-Sponsor some of my upcoming activities.

We care about the same things, including living in a world where
Kids have a chance to eat good food, and farmers like Joe the Farmer
have a chance for their dreams of feeding people local organic foods
can be realized.

The next time I saw Andy Weil was at the Organic Center fundraiser
at the Natural Product Expo West in March. We were sitting at the same
table. I had a good conversation with his business manager, who seemed
to get what I about.

Andrew Weil is similar to Paul Newman, in the sense that he
has more than enough money. Paul and Andy are both out to use
their Clout and $$$$ to help humanity.

I also know his PR lady, Melanie Albert, who is starting up her
own company with a dear friend named Karen Bridbord, a manhattan
"shrink." I spent about one hour last night at Andy Weil's Nutrition
and Health Conference with the two of them. We were on stage
last night, eating the remains of delicious avo spread served
at the conference, taking photos, and repeating The Seven Love Cures,
my poetry plaques that are like Alimony Insurance to anyone
who prefers a happy marriage, etc.

Back to the point:


Last night, I could hardly sit still during the Public Forum
at this event. I paid $20.00 to get in, but was taking photos anyway.
I also paid for the CD's--$25.00--they were that powerful!!!!!

On top of this, I bought a book for $29.00--"Omnivore's Dilemma"
by Michael Pollen. I heard about this book first from the lips of
my friend Michael Besancon, the Regional President for Whole Foods.

I have known Michael Besancon for more than 30 years. He is still
my favorite avocado sandwich maker. Michael epitomizes sincerity in
spirituality as well as business. He was the man who first introduced
me to the Essene Gospel of Peace by Edmond Bordeuax Szekely, a book
that produced more vegetarians in the 20th Century than almost any other.

"Omnivore's Dilemma" according to the moderator is Scary Reading.
It asks some Big Questions, such as where does our food come from
and what are you eating and why? The book by the Way also rags
on Whole Foods Market.

This Panel--the Public Forum-- at Andrew Weil's Fourth Annual
Nutrition and Health Conference
was HOT! HOT! HOT!

They were talking about the Farm Bill that is now under discussion
in Washington D.C.

It is because of the Lobbyists in Washington that there are basically
five major crops that are supported by the good Ol USA with subsidies.
Most of these five crops are not worth a damn as far as good health.

Among them are corn and soy, wheat, and a couple others.

Corn is now big news because there are some Big Players who want
to start making alternative fuel out of it, but actually, this is not
going to be anything good for farmers.

Food subsidies: That is what supports monocultures.

Monocultures? That means farming that supports one kind of crop growing all over
for megabucks. Monocultures are good for business but bad for bees.

Go to Rancho Tres Estrellas, the bee filled farm property where I was
hanging a few weeks ago down in Tecate. You will find as many rows
of different kinds of flowers as you find organic veggies.

Why? Buglife--healthy buglife likes diversity, and colors, and having
sex with all kinds of flowers.

Monoculture--please--bees are bored. Not only are they bored but they
are being manhandled and driven all over the country in trucks just to
attempt to keep agriculture going. No wonder the Bees are heading South
and not coming back. They haven't a clue where nature is any more.
To some extent, neither do you, I, or the people
we elect.

Guess what happens when you start calling your Congress person?

Suddenly, the Lobbyists start getting equalized by the Masses of Folks
like you and me who Care.

That was what the Panel was calling forth last night.
A Call to Action. A great Grass Roots new Coalition.

Do you like the idea of Fructose corn syrup being the primary sweetener
that kids find all over the supermarkets????

DO you know why?

It is because it is cheap, and sweet, and because corn is subsidized
by the dollars that are spent for taxes. Billions go into
asking farmers NOT to plant, and giving them money so support
them doing what they are told.

Billions and Billions of dollars go into the Farm Bill.

This year, the organic farmers want some of that money.

This year, the future of sustainable Agriculture can be improved
if you find out who your Congress Person is, and start telling them
to read up on the Farm BIll.

A good place for you to start finding out about what I am talking about,
is the book called "Foodfight" A Citizen's Guide to a Food and Farm Bill
by Daniel Imhoff.

Yes, a Food Bill. It is more than a Farm Bill.

I am really asking you to do something!!

Please. There are kids is school lunch programs right now
who are all junked out.

Until recently most doctors were taught that what you eat does not
make a difference. There were taught that there is no such thing
as bad food.

Then there was this Historic Panel last night.

The World is Now Changed.

There is a Call to Action going out to the New Doctors of Tomorrow,
the nurses, the People like you and me who have spent too much time
imagining we were sick or there was something wrong with us.

I know. I know what hurt feels like.
I know what it is like to be crippled in bed in a hospital,
but the Truth is, if what these Panelists were saying last night
gets heard, gets heard by you and me, and our elected officials,
there is going to be a new Kind of Agriculture coming in,
a Post Industrial Bio Diverse, locally grown Agriculture.

Blue Pastry, let's get up in arms about this.
it does not matter if we both believe there is a Climate Condition
here, or not.

I can tell you from my experience in the garden, that I have one hell
of a lot of Bees here, and that is because there are some trees
with flowers.

Some people would like to imagine that we do not need bees,
or maybe we do not need earthworms, or fertile soil. Through
the Wonders of Fertilizers, and Nannotech, and GM0's anything
is possible, right???? Wrong.

Others would like to believe that you can grow potatoes of just one
kind, and everything is going to be O.K.


One of the speakers, maybe it was Michael Pollen, was talking about
the one million people in Ireland who died in the 1800's when a potato
virus squashed the whole crop in two days. Luckily someone still had
a few other kinds of potatoes to grow out that did not get sick from
that virus.

911???? Give me a break.

When that happened, the Ag Man in Washington got real scared.

Do you realized that practically all our of food is grown in Centralized

Do you see any Reason to have Decentralized Food Supplies????

Do you have any idea why it would be good to have Local Food Supplies????

Do you have a Clue???? I am sure you can put 2 + 2 together if you
are reading

I am talking about Food Security.

That's a little bit of what I learned last night at this Public Forum
and why I spent some bucks getting these CD's from the Conference Recording
Company for $25.00 bucks.


1308 Gilman St. Berkeley, CA 94706

310 Public Forum; Food, Politics, and Society. Nutrtiona and Health
COnference State of the Science & Clinical Applications.
May 14-16, 2007. ]

This is powerful material that was spoken.

I am asking you to get Armed,
armed with books like "Omnivore's Dilemma"

That books by Michael Pollen talks about a farmer that
Michael visited someplace back East. Michael wanted the farmer
to ship him some meat that was Grade A Good. The farmer would not
ship it because he did not believe in Shipping!!! It was his political
and Agricultural Way to help the Earth. No shipping!!!

Joe the Farmer is the same.

If he gets the support he needs in San Diego County, our County
is going to have a Big Farm where a new Generation of Local Farmers
can be hatched.

Joe does not like to ship either.

He does not understand what sense it makes it have his Sexy Lettuce
put in a Box, sent to a Warehouse, then shipped back to San Diego
and Clipped. He would rather sell directly at the Farmers' Market
or to a Local Whole Foods Store.

Our future depends on True Home Land Security--farmers like Joe,
and Curezone type people like you and me who have the time
to read to the Bottom of this Blog.


Call your Congress person and tell them what you want.

Your EG

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